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Mentalism & Spiritism Cards Magazines & Journals with Demo Video DIY, Makers & Builders DVD (download+stream) Books (printed) Video clips (download) Theory, Articles & Reviews for Beginners Coins, Chips & Buttons Illusions, Escape & Stage Biographies & History in German (Deutsch) Marketing, Selling & Business Matters Audio Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups Memory & Mnemonics Paper & Paper Money Science & Math Tricks Ropes, Ribbons, Strings & Reels Comedy Magic Physical (Non-Digital) Tricks & Gimmicks Compilations Patter, Plots & Scripts in Italian (italiano) Kids & Children Hypnosis & NLP Rings Cigarettes, Candles, Matches & Fire Phone, Apps & eTricks Liquids, Chemicals & Bottles Published 1800-1899 DVD & Video (disc) Silks & Flags Hands, Fingers & Body Thimbles Catalogs Chapeaugraphy Published before 1800 Ventriloquism Instruction Sheets in French (français) Second Hand in Spanish (español) Animals Gospel Magic Gift Cards & Donations Pickpocket Fiction for Resellers Free in Japanese (日本の)


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Biagio Fasano
Telepathic X-Ray Vision: the catch of the superhero (Italian) by Biagio Fasano

Un Super Effetto di Mentalismo! Include tutti i modelli da stampare a colori e fornte/retro delle carte speciali dei 3 Supereroi!

Un effetto di mentalismo in cui il mago, utilizzando tre carte speciali che mostra rappresentare tre diversi Supereroi raffigurati su entrambi i lati di ciascuna carta, incarica una spettatrice di disporle nell'ordine che preferisce e di mescolarle, dapprima con una sola mano, poi usandole entrambe contemporaneamente.

Al termine, coprirà con il palmo della mano dapprima solo una delle carte e poi, dopo il successivo mescolamento a due mani, ben due carte...

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Dustin Marks
103 Tips and Resources for Magicians by Dustin Marks

This ebook will save you time and money. It is a quick read and has tips you have not seen. Good resources for professionals and lots of information for beginners. Learn how to use Siri or Alexa for practice. Use Notion to keep a database of your tricks. Learn magic principles, magic utilities, memory tips, links to everyday props on Amazon and more. It's a great reference book to all things magic.

  • Tip #2 Learn the secret to never forget a good idea you have.
  • Tip #7 Learn which database to keep track of your routines and effects.
  • Tips 8, 9 and 10. Learn tricks on how to remember your...
★★★★ $4.95
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Anabelle & Mystic Alexandre
A Numerological Destination by Anabelle & Mystic Alexandre

Numerological Destination is a simple, direct, bold, and effective self-working playing card routine with no sleight of hand, no mathematical procedure, and no marked cards ... it uses a regular pack of playing cards, anywhere, anytime.

You will surely find other uses for this method, but here's how we present it ...

Numerology is seen as a universal language of numbers. It's the idea that the universe is a system, and once broken down we're left with the basic elements, which are ... numbers. These numbers can then be used to help us better understand the world and ourselves. But one...

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Fritz Albert Hügli
Magische Miniaturen by Fritz Albert Hügli

Eine Sammlung leichtausführbarer alter und neuer Zauberkunststücke.

Auszug aus dem Vorwort:

Zu den kurzweiligsten Unterhaltungen in Gesellschaftskreisen gehört unstreitig die Vorführung von Zauberkunststücken. Der Grund, weshalb solche nicht öfters gezeigt werden, liegt darin, daß die hierzu erforderlichen Requisiten, sofern es sich nicht um Handtricks handelt, die andauernde Hebung erheischen, meist größere Koffer und Kisten zur Verpackung und zum Transport notwendig machen. Es gibt jedoch eine Menge wirkungsvoller magischer Experimente mit nur kleinen und leicht transportabeln...

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Herbert Asbury
Sucker's Progress by Herbert Asbury

An informal history of gambling in America from the colonies to Canfield.

Inside flap:

Sucker's Progress is the first attempt to write a connected history of the most prevalent of venial sins, and traces the history and development of gambling in America from the card and dice games in the back rooms of colonial taverns to the days of Richard Canfield the last of the great American gamblers. The book is concerned with the picturesque and spectacular features of gambling, and only incidentally with its morals.

The author commences with a survey of the origin and development of the principal...

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Liam Montier
Shazam! by Liam Montier

12 previously unreleased card routines. Strong, practical card magic with an efficient approach to the moves and construction. They are clearly described with numerous photographs for ease of learning.

  • Giobbi Aces
  • Cheese Melt
  • Sneak
  • One Across
  • Over Eat
  • Mambo Number 5
  • Pinch
  • Disburse
  • Remix
  • Birthday Card Trick
  • Diamond Cutter
  • Staple Diet! This one needs a little more than your regular deck, but the effect is dynamite!

1st edition 2014, PDF 62 pages.

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Peter Pellikaan
Crosses 2 by Peter Pellikaan

Show five blank cards. Magically they all change to cards with crosses on the front and the back.

1st edition 2023, video 2:16.

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MP4 (video)

Imp Smith
Tips on the Foo Can and Funnel by Imp Smith

A collection of proven, tested routines using the Foo Can and Comedy Funnel that will liven up any show.

In the eyes of a spectator, tricks with liquids are always cause for wonder. Since many performers don't feature liquid effects in their act, this presents a golden opportunity for the wide-awake magician.

From the Foreword by T. A. Whitney:

Those who present magic with water, milk, beer, soda pop, etc. will be long remembered by their audiences. And that, my friend, is a strong recommendation for adopting one of these tricks in your repertoire.

Partial contents:

  • Foreword
  • Introduction ...
★★★★★ $6
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Unnamed Magician
Rain Man Again by Unnamed Magician

Note: For those who own the original Rain Man, you're in for a real treat (see the last condition in the conditions section below).


The magician and the spectator are seated together at a table. The magician introduces a deck of cards and spreads it face up to show that all the cards are different. After this, he turns his back to the spectator and says "I want you to generate a random number between 1 and 52. Of course, I could have you name one, but then you may think I psychologically influenced you towards a particular number or that I relied on you to think of a popular number....

★★★★★ $20 $10
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Dr. John D. Bain
Tricks with the Double Lift by Dr. John D. Bain

The Double Lift is a powerful move but it is also easy to do it wrong, meaning not deceptively. In this ebook, the author will show several ways to learn and effectively perform this sleight and how to perform a variety of card tricks using this technique.

  • Introduction
  • Choosing a Deck of Cards
  • The Grip
  • Methods for Performing the Double Lift
  • Some Card Tricks Using the Double Lift
    • Several color changes including the Scrub Board Change
    • Four Card Assembly
    • Wrong, Wrong Again
    • Name Your Card

1st edition 2015, PDF 46 pages.

★★★ $2.99
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Fred Darevil
Barathon by Fred Darevil

Invite your spectators on a bar crawl around the world. From the worst to the most prestigious. And along the way demonstrate your ability to anticipate their choices and stay one step ahead of chance.

Perform three fun and participatory mentalism effects.

Prediction: despite the free mixes made by a participant with the white cards on which you have written the names of bars, their location in the world, and their rating between 1 and 5, you are able to predict in which bar the Barathon will end.

Telepathy: you manage to capture the thoughts of a participant and identify the name...

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Unknown Mentalist
Next Stack by Unknown Mentalist

The Next Stack is a cyclical stack that is as easy to learn as the Si Stebbins stack but can withstand scrutiny, unlike the Stebbins stack. In the Stebbins stack, the increment of 3 or 4 could be visible to a participant if observed keenly. But in the Next Stack it is almost impossible to recognize the sequence.

The Next Stack is named as such because literally it is based on the "Next" principle, which is a novel, innovative principle. Given any card you can instantly know the next card.

It will take all of 5 minutes for you to learn this cool principle and start applying it. This principle...

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Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph
Little Souvenir by Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph

Rubber band and playing card permanently link.

A rubber band is linked to a previously selected and signed playing card. At the end, the corner of the card is torn off and given away as a souvenir with the rubber band inside.

1st edition 2023, video 23 min.

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MP4 (video)

D. Angelo Ferri
Monete di Slydini by D. Angelo Ferri

Un corso delle monete di Slydini attraverso la tabe

Imparerai Sei monete e il penny inglese, Sei monete e l'anello, Solo sei monete, solo quattro monete e solo due monete. Le istruzioni sono sia scritte, comprese le fotografie, sia in video per darti tutte le possibilità di apprendere correttamente queste routine.

Inoltre imparerai la meccanica e le mosse in tutti i loro dettagli concetti importanti come:

  • l'importanza della fede
  • il corpo prende la mano
  • coordinazione del movimento
  • psicologia della prestazione
PDF 76 pagine, video 1 ora e 46 minuti
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Fritz Albert Hügli
Zauberkunststücke by Fritz Albert Hügli

Zauber- und Kartenkunststücke ohne Apparate.

  • Vorwort
  • I. Zauberkunststücke mit Streichhölzern und Streichholzschachteln
    • Die ihren Platz tauschenden Streichhölzer
    • Die unzertrennlichen Hölzchen
    • Verflüchtigung eines Streichholzes
    • Wo sind die Streichhölzer?
    • Die Striche auf den zwei Streichhölzern
    • Das empfindsame Streichholz
    • Wer nimmt das letzte Streichholz?
    • Das Geldstück unter dem Streichholz
  • II. Münzenkunststücke
    • Eine Münze durchdringt eine Streichholzschachtel
    • Der ertappte Ausreißer
    • Durch den Tisch fallende Münzen
    • Wanderung einer Münze durch den Rockärmel ...
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Bob Farmer
Bammo Poker Poker Poker by Bob Farmer

The spectator names a Poker hand. He can change his mind. The deck is spread face down and the five cards for the named hand are the only face-up cards. The deck is squared and spread again: the face-up cards have vanished. For the kicker, the deck is spread face up and all the cards are blank. It was all an illusion.

Uses a special gaffed deck you can easily make at home. No sleights. No memorization. Idiot proof. Automatic reset. No angles. Killer kicker.

1st edition 2023, PDF 12 pages.

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Graham Hey
Hair-Raising Effects by Graham Hey

Here's a great collection of self-workers that can be achieved with some of the stuff most magicians will have at hand. For a couple of effects, you'll have to buy some items, but you won't have to spend more than a few dollars. And it will be well worth it!

Eight effects, all easy to do. Including:

EAT TO THE BEAT - a fun effect using a balloon and a free choice of card ...

I PREDICT A RIOT - The magician makes three predictions and the first two are wrong... but what about the third?

SIGHT FOR SORE EYES - A pirate's eye-patch and you'll be able to make a fabulous prediction. ...

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Mark Leveridge
Countdown Prediction by Mark Leveridge

A prediction Jumbo card is placed sight unseen in full view. A deck of cards is displayed and shuffled and a spectator freely selects a number of cards to use from the deck. These cards are eliminated one by one until only one remains. Despite the freedom of handling and choices, the selected card matches the Jumbo prediction. Very easy to do, suitable for a close-up show or a stand-up performance.

1st edition 2017, PDF 2 pages.

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Peter Pellikaan
Dazzzillle by Peter Pellikaan

You show four cards with red backs. Then you table one of the red-backed cards and add a card with a blue back to the remaining three red-backed cards. Suddenly all of these four cards have a blue back. You table one of the blue-backed cards and add a card with yet another back design. The same thing happens, all the cards take on that new and different back design. You do the same procedure one more time. Then the Joker enters the picture and even more all different backs appear. If this doesn't dazzle you then clearly Dazzzillle is not for you.

1st edition 2023, video 3:59.

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MP4 (video)

Joseph B. & Biagio Fasano
(Contact)Less is More ACAAN by Joseph B. & Biagio Fasano

An incredible A.C.A.A.N. effect completely in the hands of the spectator.

The title of this eBook contains the acronym for "Any Card At Any Number," and in fact the new version explained here, incredibly automatic and completely hands-off, of this famous card magic and mentalism effect, is capable of surprising even many magicians (we can say this with full knowledge of the facts, having personally tested it in magic circles) and guaranteeing a "devastating" impact on the audience.

After introducing and quickly showing a normal deck of cards, the magician shuffles, and cuts, then places...

★★★★ $9.90
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Joseph B. & Biagio Fasano
(Contact)Less is More ACAAN (Italian) by Joseph B. & Biagio Fasano

Un Incredibile Effetto di Carta al Numero completamente nelle Mani dello Spettatore!

Il titolo di questo eBook contiene l’acronimo di: Any Card At Any Number, che significa “qualsiasi carta ad un qualunque numero”, e infatti viene qui illustrata una nostra nuova versione, incredibilmente automatica e completamente nelle mani dello spettatore, di questo celebre effetto Cartomagico di Mentalismo, in grado di sorprendere anche moltissimi maghi (possiamo affermarlo con cognizione di causa, avendolo testato personalmente nei Circoli Magici!) e di garantire un impatto “devastante” sul...

★★★★★ $9.90
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Unknown Mentalist
E.S.P. by Unknown Mentalist

This is a physical product which will be shipped to you. The accompanying PDF can be downloaded instantly from your digital shelf.

ESP here stands for Experiments in Synchronism Probability or in other words experiments in correlation studies. These are a set of stunning mind-reading effects couched in a pseudo-scientific presentation.

What You Get: Along with this PDF you also get a postcard-sized gimmick (4 inches x 6 inches approx) which is a high-quality and beautifully produced card that will last you a long time with reasonable care.

You can perform 3 routines using this card. ...

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gimmick & PDF

Fred Darevil
Maurice Kill by Fred Darevil

Maurice Kill is a completely reimagined version of the classic effect Miraskill created by Stewart James (participant chooses red or black color and the mentalist has the other, cards are turned over two at a time making three piles. One will be the red pile if both cards are red. One will be the black pile if both are black. The last will be the discard pile if one is red and one is black. The result of the game is predicted in advance by the mentalist).

Maurice Kill is a faster and more stunning version. Variations are offered to you. You may not even know the number of cards used, which was impossible...

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Unnamed Magician
Three Pile Location: on cocaine by Unnamed Magician


The magician introduces a deck of cards. He invites a spectator to thoroughly shuffle the deck. Once the spectator is done shuffling, the magician spreads the deck face up as he asks them to verify that all the cards are in fact different. With this done, he closes the spread and turns the deck back face down. He then instructs the spectator to cut the deck into 3 piles. Furthermore, he promises never to touch the deck again until the end.

The spectator takes the deck and cuts it into 3 more or less equal piles: top pile, middle pile and bottom pile respectively. The magician...

★★★★★ $20 $10
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