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Hechizos Vol. 1 No. 2 (2018)Fernando Keller & Juan Pablo Gómez
| $3 to wish list | |
Hechizos Vol. 1 No. 1 (2018)Fernando Keller & Juan Pablo Gómez
| $3 to wish list | |
The Miracle Floating Light EffectBurling HullGet more mileage from your floating lamp or ball effect with this outstanding ebook. The floating light is a beautiful and mysterious stage effect whereby an illuminated light bulb (that may be in a lamp) visibly detaches itself and floats across the stage, apparently under the performer's control. The performer makes mystic gestures toward himself and the lighted bulb floats toward him and lands in his palm. It may be carried to the footlights and shown all around. It can even be laid on the palm of a spectator. The magician then throws the bulb away from him several feet, and at a snap of... | ★★★★★ $8 to wish list | |
Quick Rope OpenerBrick TilleyTwo equal lengths of rope magically join up to form one solid piece of rope in full view with no cover or excess movements. Simple to construct and a delight to perform. Within the skill range of anyone. It was a favorite of Billy McComb.
1st edition 2020, PDF 3 pages, video 54s. | $10 to wish listPDF & MP4 | |
Encyclopedia of Self-Working Card TricksGlenn G. GravattThis is a marvelous compilation of mostly easy and sleightless, or as it is usually called self-working, card tricks. Some effects do require moves such as palming, and a good false shuffle and false cut will go a long way to make many otherwise sleightless effects much stronger. But for the most part no sleights are necessary to perform the vast majority of effects taught. From the Introduction: It is to be hoped that the reader will not have to go far in this book before he realizes and appreciates that this is not just another book, collection, or compilation of card tricks. It is expected... | ★★★★★ $39.50 to wish list | |
Scripted #32: TeddyLarry BrodahlA parlor/small stage version of the Gypsy Thread that does not rely on florescent thread, but instead uses yarn. It comes complete with a offbeat and funny script.
1st edition 2020, PDF 21 pages. | $10 to wish list | |
Lost Works of PoeVincent WilsonAn epic theatrical production. Includes an amazing pocket watch routine that can be used in many other performances. "When the work was discovered at the bottom of Poe's writing desk, it was in a previously unknown secret compartment. Thrilling, is it not? Baltimore Poe scholars were certainly thrilled, and a special edition collection would herald the announcement. Alas, this would not come to pass. According to friends of mine in the Poe Historical Society, strange things began to happen to those preparing the edition for publication. An editor died of TB. The first case in Baltimore for many... | ★★★★★ $20 to wish list | |
BlufferyJon RacherbaumerJon explores the bluff pass and its spin-offs.
| ★★★★★ $15 to wish list | |
PRIC: Propless Remote Instant CartomancyUnknown MentalistCAUTION: This is so powerful that you could start your own cult. So you must perform this effect with great wisdom, absolute ethics, high maturity and complete responsibility. The author is not liable for any contingent outcomes of your performances, you yourself are solely responsible for it. SCENARIO : The performer and participant are on both ends of a voice call separated by maybe thousands of miles. The participant is holding an imaginary deck of playing cards and follows instructions of the performer. The objective of the participant is to know the answer to a question she has, related... | ★★★★★ $18 to wish list | |
50 New Card SecretsFrank La Fontaine50 simple card tricks that anyone can do with any deck of playing cards, without sleight-of-hand. From the Introduction: The idea that long practice and exceptional skill are necessary in the performance of card tricks is erroneous. Some of the cleverest and most bewildering tricks are made possible by the use of subtle principles of unique methods that are easily learned, yet which are capable of deceiving the keenest and most intelligent spectator. Such are the methods explained in this booklet. These tricks have been devised by experienced performers of card tricks, men who understand... | ★★★★★ $9.50 to wish list | |
An Ode to Lovecraft SeanceVincent WilsonHP Lovecraft was a master of the weird and horrific. The rightful heir to EA Poe. You may not even be aware of the influences he has made. From the Evil Dead movies to Stephen King, Hellboy and many, many others, Lovecraft has left a mark deeper than the most fathomless grave. Paranormalist Vince Wilson has always been a huge Lovecraft fan and has been waiting for the right moment to release his popular Ode to Lovecraft Seance onto the world. In Wilson's original tale, Lovecraft is presented as an early 20th Century paranormal researcher who was trying to present the "reality" of his writings... | ★★★★★ $15 to wish list | |
Tangled CardsRalf (Fairmagic) RudolphRalf teaches how to make seven impossible looking cards. He came up with a better way to teach these folds by using colored templates. You can download all templates from your digital shelf.
1st edition 2020, video 26 min | $14 to wish listMP4 (video) | |
Grand HotelJon RacherbaumerAn exploration of the Hotel Trick, aka "A Night on the Town". A trick with a good plot is half the battle. This one has an interesting plot that can be styled and modified to fit your needs. Sleight-less and sleight-of-hand versions are being taught. Jon was introduced to this trick by Persi Diaconis in the 1970s. In this ebook he has traced it back to its roots, and forward to modern variations and spin-offs. The core effect: Two Queens and four Kings are shown. The Queens are tabled face down next to each other. Two Kings are added onto each Queen to form two three-card packets. After... | ★★★★★ $15 to wish list | |
Future Test 2021Unknown MentalistThis also includes Future Test 2020 and Future Test 2022. This routine can also be performed in a virtual show over Skype, Zoom, Instragram Live, Facebook Live or even a basic one to one video call. Future Test is a 'packs small plays big' kind of effect. Actually packs very small in your wallet and plays very big to a full room or in a virtual show or even over a video call. This effect is done on the back of your business card which you can later leave with the participant as a souvenir or send over to the participant's phone as a virtual image as a 'digital souvenir'. The performer... | ★★★★★ $9 to wish list | |
Exclusive TricksSamuel BerlandBerland and friends bring you sixteen beautiful effects using silks, balls, cards, canes, watches, cigarettes, liquid, and more in this updated and expanded edition. Long out of print, this manuscript contains a pair of mysteries by Tenkai, as well as several baffling effects by Berland, as well as some choice bits by his friends. Partial contents:
| $8 to wish list | |
Bingo DivinationMarc de Milo & Ken de CourcyCard tricks suitable for stage presentation are rare. Bingo Divination can be performed successfully on a stage or in a cocktail-lounge. It is the logical, up to date version of the classic Nap Hand, without the necessary memory work or sleight-of-hand. Rehearse it carefully, paying attention to presentation, and you'll have a reputation-maker. EFFECT: The magician introduces a pack of cards. The cards are genuinely shuffled and then dealt into two piles, one containing Clubs and Hearts, the other Spades and Diamonds. The Clubs-Hearts pile is again dealt into three face-down piles, one to... | ★★★★★ $5 to wish list | |
Routine Mentale Impromptu (Italian)Nick ConticelloIl collaboratore del Tarbell Course Nick Conticello segue il suo debutto "Il posizionamento fantasma" con altri tre nuovi effetti sensazionali che richiedono solo un normale mazzo di 52 carte per esibirsi. È necessario un piccolo maneggio; includiamo The Widdershins Cut, un falso taglio efficace e semplice. I contenuti includono: 1. THOUGHT CAUGHT: un mazzo non preparato viene mischiato dall'esecutore e tagliato dallo spettatore. Vengono distribuite due pile di carte. Lo spettatore pensa a una carta in una delle pile e disperde lui stesso la selezione nel mazzo. L'esecutore scorre rapidamente... | ★★★★★ $15 to wish list | |
Tri-Unison (Italian)Nick Conticello3 predizioni, 2 metodi, 1 effetto sensazionale! Effetto: l'esecutore rimuove tre carte da un mazzo mescolato e le lascia in una pila a faccia in giù sul tavolo. Spiega che queste carte sono gemelle di carte che saranno selezionate da due spettatori e da lui stesso. I due spettatori scelgono i numeri liberamente e le carte in quelle posizioni vengono messe in una pila separata sul tavolo. Il mago offre al pubblico una scelta di due numeri diversi per le sue carte. Qualunque sia la scelta, l'esecutore conta fino a quella carta e la mette in cima alle prime due selezioni. Uno spettatore... | ★★★★★ $6 to wish list | |
More Tricks Without NamesWerner MillerAnother medley of minor mathemagical tricks. Werner Miller went through his drawers and folders and found twenty tricks that he developed but never published. Often there was a good reason why he didn't publish them. In other words, these are not necessarily his best ideas, but they may still hold a nugget of a novel thought, an interesting plot or a new combination of methods. 1st edition 2020, 13 pages. | ★★★★★ $0 to wish list | |
The Lives of the ConjurorsThomas FrostThis is considered one of the best early histories of magic. From the Preface: The present volume closes the series of works on the entertaining classes which I contemplated when writing Circus Life and Circus Celebrities, the greater part of which was written before The Old Showmen and the Old London Fairs was commenced, though the publication of the latter work preceded that of the former. In embracing within the present volume the lives of the conjurors of every period and every country, while the record of shows and showmen is confined to London and the suburban districts, (which may now be said to embrace a circle of twenty miles across,) and that of circuses... | $8 to wish list | |
You Know (UNO)David Jonathan"This is my favorite effect of the year." - Rob JacksYou Know is a mind-boggling demonstration of mentalism using regular UNO Cards.... | ★★★★★ $8.95 to wish listPDF & MP4 | |
Gloomy Sunday SeanceVincent WilsonAre you honestly trying to scare people??! Yes? Good. You need to be adept at psychological manipulation for this one. The writer and all associated parties take and accept no responsibility for the physical and mental health of those who partake in a Gloomy Sunday Séance or related event. Gloomy Sunday, also known as the "Hungarian Suicide Song", is a song composed by Hungarian pianist and composer Rezső Seress and published in 1933. The first lyrics were written in 1932 by László Jávor, in his melancholy love poem "Szomorú vasárnap" ("Sad Sunday"), after his beloved had left him.... | ★★★★★ $15 to wish listPDF & MP3 | |
Shank ShuffleBrick TilleyThe Shank Shuffle, a full deck false shuffle, was published in 1971 on Ed Marlo's behalf by Jon Racherbaumer. The Zarrow shuffle came out around the same time. New Yorkers backed this method and that overshadowed the Shank method, which may be superior, depending on your point of view. The Shank method is regarded as more convincing by some card handlers. Reading the description can be a bit daunting for the novice. Here is your chance to master the shuffle thanks to a lucid video presentation and a clear text and illustrations.
1st edition 2019, PDF + video (length 23s)... | ★★★★★ $10 to wish listPDF & MP4 | |
Dunbury DelusionsJon Racherbaumer"It is one of the very best tricks which can be done for close-up work." - Hugard and Braue from Show Stoppers With Cards From the Foreword: The Dunbury Delusion has an illustrious pedigree that has been up, down, and all around the magic scene for at least 100 years. Charlie Miller's method that was published in Expert Card Technique in 1940, more or less branded his name on it, but seven year earlier Victor Farelli published a modified version ("The Partagas Sell") in Farelli's Card Magic. He did not claim paternity but credited a Spanish magician named Partagas who apparently taught him the trick in 1908. Basic Plot: A selection "lost" in a deck is successfully found by using three... | ★★★★★ $16 to wish list |