From the introduction:
The reader will find herein a number of specially selected effects, each complete in detail. Wherever necessary, suggestions for patter have been included in the belief that this will materially assist in the presentation, and so help on that desirable, and not quite unattainable result, which I will call "the Complete Illusion."
1st edition 1927, 44 pages; PDF 25 pages.
A series of clever little tricks, made possible with the specially printed miniature cards as originally supplied by Supreme Magic.
It's called Fauxlogical, and it is diabolical...."As a creator, I have a tendency to pass up on 99% of all releases and instead only take interest in those which offer me a fresh set of tools to play with...If you are looking for a wonderful impromptu mental mystery to add to your repertoire, or are looking for some new techniques to play with, you won't be disappointed here!" -Michael Murray
"I had no idea how he could have any valuable information...The more I thought about it, the more perplexed I was. It was IMPOSSIBLE. There was absolutely no way he could know anything." - Madison Hagler
Here is a deceptive and easy-to-do card control. You can really see the selection shuffled back into the deck but somehow the magician is able to locate and control it. No preparation and no setup is needed. Everything is done completely impromptu and with a borrowed shuffled deck. No crimps or gimmicks are used. A real weapon to add to your arsenal of card magic.
1st edition 2022, video 6:12.
The Hermit Magazine is a new, independent magic magazine that focuses on creativity, engagement, and inspiration. Edited, compiled, and illustrated by Canadian magician Scott Baird, The Hermit pays homage to the magazines of the past while taking advantage of modern technology to provide a clear, readable experience. Featuring contributions from the likes of Chris Mayhew, Harapan Ong, Michal Kociolek, Curtis Kam, Michael Rubinstein, Bill Citino, Rick Holcombe, John Carey, Caroline Ravn (and many more!), the digital pages of The Hermit are packed with articles, effects, sleights and ideas for magicians of any skill level.
Volume 1,...
PRIZE is a quick, impromptu propless piece that you can perform anytime, anywhere to anyone. You can do this face to face in close-up, street, or parlor. Or you can also do this in a virtual show on zoom etc. You can even just do this over a voice phone call or video call if you like.
This is easy to learn, easy to perform but way up there in terms of sheer impact. Every new person you meet is a potential victim for you to perform this effect. Your victim's surprise will be your 'prize'. You will perform a stunning "Zen Mind Hack" on your unsuspecting participant which you have apparently...
Describes classics such as the cups and balls, gypsy thread, ball vase, and various popular card and coin tricks still performed today. Learn how to make a shiner from a coin and a drop of water or beer, how to make a double-faced coin, how to eat fire, and other tricks and stunts. A book like this reminds us how old magic really is. We think that the latest and 'newest' trick being hyped and hawked online is indeed new, when in fact it is far from new and often is based on ideas and methods hundreds of years old.
Clearly, Henry Dean was a magic dealer because several times he advertises...
Clever material for the magician and comedy entertainer. An assortment of funny bits and comedic trick patter.
In this work, we find for the first time the popular Out-to-lunch principle (see for example Anagramation by Jim Krenz) being published.
From the introduction:
The better one becomes acquainted with magic, the more one realizes that the word "novelty" must be used with care. That is, if one wishes to be strictly veracious. Nevertheless, I believe the reader will find that the various offerings in this book possess some element of newness - either in the effects themselves or the methods outlined.
It will be noted that I have not included items that are only accessories or suggestions (with which another book...
This self-working effect is Graham's feature in the close-up spot of his cruise ship cabaret act. Plays big. Is easy to do. Comes with gags and Graham's full presentation. And it includes the bonus effect: Movie Star Madness.
The Elvis card is lost somewhere in the deck. A deck of blue cards is shown then cut into two piles. The spectator selects a pile, and then deals the cards face up onto the table - they are told to stop when they are happy. All the other cards are turned over and they are blue-backed. But - there was one red-backed card in the deck ... the spectator dealt the cards...
Psychic entertainers, here are six more mentalism treasures for your collection, from the Nelson Enterprises vault. Volume 7 contains five mental magic manuscripts from Robert A. Nelson and a bonus: the "Master Memory" stunt, originally released by Bob Sherman. All were featured in the famous Nelson Enterprises catalog, and have been edited and updated for a new generation of performers and audiences. Here's what's included:
Any Spectator Becomes the Mindreader #512 - Mindreading in reverse. A spectator and unbelievable effect wherein any spectator reads the mindreader's mind. A strictly...
All my secrets of how to become invisible when I was performing as Jason Michaels and more. Never before revealed. You get invisibility secrets you can use on stage or outdoors. Methods by Al Mann, UF Grant, Tony Shields, Bill Neff, and myself. Methods for everyone. Learn how Bill Neff would become invisible while addressing the audience, how psychics walk thru the audience invisible. They can hear you but not see you. Disappear while walking down the street. Secrets behind my invisibility stunts that made the front page. No pipe dreams. All methods have been used. Visibly turn into a cardboard cut-out on...
A beautiful sleight-of-hand version of oil and water without any secret additional cards or gaffed cards. You start with four red-backed red cards and four blue-backed black cards. You fairly mix them and they immediately unmix. You exchange one card from the top of each packet the rest of the cards in each packet mysteriously follows. You show the cards from both sides. At the end with the colors separated they suddenly mix themselves into alternating red and black cards.
1st edition 2022, video 4:49
Bob Dunn was an illustrator by profession and this work is full of illustrations making each trick easy to comprehend and learn. From the introduction:
With a few exceptions, the tricks in this book can be performed by any reader without any other equipment than is to be found in an average home. Complicated apparati have been utilized by a great many magicians in winning a reputation for themselves, but the best of modern magic is performed without gadgets, by sleight-of-hand artists completely surrounded by audiences and working with familiar objects - cards, coins, handkerchiefs, cigarettes,...
From the introduction:
Like all really good tricks the "Tumbling Tumblers" secret was discovered by me when experimenting with another quite different effect. I was handling certain materials at the time, then suddenly everything fell into place, and I knew at once that I had hit on something good! A week later I performed at the I.B.M. Convention at Hastings. I stuck my neck out right at the start by telling them that I was about to present an entirely new trick of my own invention. When they saw me make the first moves, they thought that I was trying to "put one over" by presenting an...
The method for this miracle is a miracle. So sneaky and ingenious and in many ways better than other gimmicks that have been used for this type of method. The gimmick is something that opens the door to new ideas because this technique is a very powerful weapon.
The title says it all. This effect will fool anyone. Even the most experienced magicians. A revolutionary and incredibly surprising technique. You will be able to find the card the spectator cuts to in a shuffled and borrowed deck, under incredibly impossible conditions. Really easy to do, no sleight of hand.
The spectator is allowed to freely call out random numbers. Through a fair process of elimination, he arrives at a single digit. This number matches exactly a prediction that you have written down previously. This is an easy, foolproof method for apparently reading the spectator's thoughts.
1st edition 2022, PDF 4 pages, video 39 seconds.
This is one of the most amazing things you will ever see. Looks like real mind-reading. A spectator is given a copy of a newspaper. It can be your local paper. The paper is not gimmicked in any way. The spectator chooses a paragraph from the front page. No force. He reads the first few words and spells each word to himself. The magician instantly reveals the words the person read. This is a little-known principle that Al Mann developed in 1979 that will fool magicians.
It's a show-stopper. Use any newspaper. No pre-show, done on the spot with any person. Can be done long-distance over zoom calls....
[Note: You do not need to own volume 1 to be able to perform the routines explained here.
Welcome to volume 2 of my Billets for the Modern Mindreader course. You will learn three switches and three routines for close-up, parlor, and stage situations, as well as casual settings.
Billet Chi (Nestor Dee): Probably the holy grail of predictions with billets. Borrow three business cards and you can do the routine. Trust me, this is great.
Telepathy Plus (Theodore Annemann): A classic revisited. A three-phase mind-reading routine. (Also doable with three borrowed business cards.)
S.E.E. (Julien Losa): A practical and quick routine to get...
[Die Effekte überlappen sich zum Großteil mit der Englischen Sub Rosa Serie.
With Souvenirs d'Italie I have wanted to remember and celebrate the old, beloved tourist postcards that were the backdrop to everyone's holidays, those who lived them and those who received them indirectly, almost as an achievement for a promise kept.
Souvenir d'Italie is an effect that makes it possible to make an impossible prediction: one Italian city out of the eight depicted on the postcard is chosen, or even only thought of, by a spectator, who holds them in a bunch in his hands.
The spectator will have to distribute them face down on the table, covered by their respective place...