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Mentalism & Spiritism Cards Magazines & Journals with Demo Video DIY, Makers & Builders DVD (download+stream) Books (printed) Video clips (download) Theory, Articles & Reviews for Beginners Coins, Chips & Buttons Illusions, Escape & Stage Biographies & History in German (Deutsch) Marketing, Selling & Business Matters Audio Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups Memory & Mnemonics Paper & Paper Money Science & Math Tricks Ropes, Ribbons, Strings & Reels Comedy Magic Physical (Non-Digital) Tricks & Gimmicks Compilations Patter, Plots & Scripts in Italian (italiano) Kids & Children Hypnosis & NLP Rings Cigarettes, Candles, Matches & Fire Phone, Apps & eTricks Liquids, Chemicals & Bottles Published 1800-1899 DVD & Video (disc) Silks & Flags Hands, Fingers & Body Thimbles Catalogs Chapeaugraphy Published before 1800 Ventriloquism Instruction Sheets in French (français) Second Hand in Spanish (español) Animals Gospel Magic Gift Cards & Donations Pickpocket Fiction for Resellers Free in Japanese (日本の)


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Brick Tilley
Tenkai Buttons by Brick Tilley

You show two buttons, one in each hand, but magically one moves into your other hand despite your hands being separated.

The two short videos will explain to you a little preparation you will have to do to the buttons and the move to accomplish the deception.

This is essentially the same as Tenkai Pennies except here you will learn how to prepare the buttons to make it much easier to do.

1st edition 2024, video 1:18.

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MP4 (video)

Ken de Courcy
Automentalism by Ken de Courcy

A complete man and wife telepathy act.

A nicely worked out two-person act that eliminates long memorization preparation and training. The basic idea can be adapted and extended to fit your needs.

(Originally this booklet was sold with an 'apparatus'. The 'apparatus' was a set of cue cards or cue stickers which could be pasted onto cards. These are not included in this digital reproduction. However, the ebook does include images of all the cue cards and you can therefore make them yourself.)

A truly sensational mental telepathy act with ordinary playing cards and other objects handed...

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Unnamed Magician
Move a Card: the 'Holy Grail' method for a classic plot by Unnamed Magician

"Pretty sure Moe would have been fooled by this." - Ryan Schlutz

"A clever method for a memory demonstration." - Christian Grace

Note: The effect described below makes up less than half of the entire e-book. The rest of the e-book contains several other methods for the "Move a Card" plot.


The magician asks the spectator for their own deck of cards as he wishes to use a borrowed deck for the routine. He invites them to thoroughly shuffle the cards in any way of their choosing. The spectator does that. (The magician also promises never to touch the cards at any point in...

★★★★ $40 $20
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Steve Pellegrino
Your Last Card by Steve Pellegrino

A lost Michael Skinner mystery, updated by Steve Pellegrino. Included is Michael Skinner's original handling and Steve Pellegrino's additions. Your Last Card is a triple revelation with two different predictions. You can reset it during performance and no sleight-of-hand is required.

You ask a spectator to cut off a small packet of cards, less than half of the deck. You turn away as they do this, so you don't know how much they cut, even an approximate amount. They pocket their cards. You also cut off a small packet of cards for yourself.

Before the presentation with the cards begins, you write a...

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Ray Grismer
Limey by Ray Grismer

A totally different and highly original concept for the Bill in Lemon. With this clean and baffling method three signed bills vanish and reappear within a gift-wrapped lime, in a flash. The lime is slowly and fairly cut open to reveal the bills resting within.

The unique and practical "no fuss" loading method will completely fool anyone familiar with other methods for the effect.

In addition, the lime may be carried for hours prior to the performance - it cannot leak or damage your clothing or props. And, of course, you can prepare as many as you like well in advance - the preparation...

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Henry Dircks
The Ghost by Henry Dircks

As produced in the spectre drama, popularly illustrating the marvellous optical illusions obtained by the apparatus called the Dircksian Phantasmagoria being a full account of its history, construction, and various adaptations.

Henry Dircks was the first who came up with the stage illusions that later became known as Pepper's Ghost. He had an arrangement with Pepper, they took out a patent in both their names, and Dircks did not want any monetary remuneration for it. John Henry Pepper improved the configuration to make it more practical and successfully staged it earning quite a lot of money with it. However,...

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Lulu Hurst
Lulu Hurst Writes Her Autobiography by Lulu Hurst

For the first time explains and demonstrates the great secret of her marvelous power.

In this autobiography, Lulu Hurst tells her rise to fame and fortune by performing acts of incredible strength on stage. She does this with personal recollections as well as quoting from various newspaper reports. At the time she performed many attributed her strength to some as of yet unknown or unexplainable force. But she had no unusual strength or the aid of any special force. She cleverly used mechanical principles as well as showmanship to make it appear she had super-human strength. In the second...

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Mark Leveridge
Four-Midable Coin Creations by Mark Leveridge

Four coin routines that do not require any gimmicks.

Cash Withdrawal - a spectator marks one of five coins with his initials and the chosen coin is dropped into an envelope and left in view. The other four coins are held in a spectator's closed fist. Instantly the envelope is torn up and the vanished signed coin is found in amongst the other four coins in the onlooker's closed hand.

Seeker Coin - a freely selected (and signed if you wish) card is shuffled back into the deck which is boxed. A coin, which is marked with a spectator's initials, vanishes and when the pack is removed from the...

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Albert Deane Richardson
Beyond the Mississippi by Albert Deane Richardson

Life and adventure on the prairies, mountains, and Pacific coast.

Beyond the Mississippi is a travel log of Albert Richardson from a few years before and after the American Civil War. As the title suggests, he traveled west of the Mississippi through states and territories such as Missouri, Kansas, Colorado, Texas, New Mexico, Montana, Wyoming, Iowa, Oregon, California, Nevada, etc. He describes nature, people, politics, and commerce. It includes exciting adventures as well as fairly dry facts such as how many bushels of grain a particular area produces. Overall it is quite readable and the...

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Aldo Colombini
Fai Ridere Il Tuo Pubblico by Aldo Colombini

L’arte di combinare “magia” e umorismo


“Mi sono sbellicato dalle risate leggendo questo libro! Ho pregustato quella che sarebbe stata la reazione del pubblico applicando le tecniche descritte dal caro Aldo in queto volumetto ed eseguendo le routines descritte. Sono convinto che piacerà molto anche a te, caro lettore, e che considererai veramente prezioso il suo contenuto.

In questo scritto Aldo ci spiega quello che è il grande segreto per eseguire una routine che intrattenga veramente il tuo pubblico. Non si tratta di fare semplicemente magia comica...

★★★★★ $5.90
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Koo Hu
Haunted by Koo Hu

A haunted deck that needs no body hook-up or props attached to the body.

1st edition 2024, video 6:41

★★★★★ $0
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MP4 (video)

D. Angelo Ferri
Slydini Encores Companion by D. Angelo Ferri

Slydini Encores is a great book with many photos, but despite the genuine efforts by the author and editor to capture Slydini's magic and teach it, it is tough to learn the details and the exact timing from the book. This is particularly true for students who have not experienced Slydini live. Dennis Barlotta, aka D. Angelo Ferri, who studied under Slydini for several years, provides in this video lecture the missing details and demonstrations so that you can actually learn and perform these miracles.

Dennis demonstrates and discusses almost everything from the book, Prediction in Red, Alladin Purse,...

★★★★★ $35
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MP4 (video)

Leon Nathanson & Tony Slydini
Slydini Encores by Leon Nathanson & Tony Slydini

This volume can be considered the continuation of The Magic of Slydini. Here, Slydini reveals for the first time two devilish sleights the Imp-Pass and the Revolve-Vanish. These enable some of his most characteristic routines.

Excerpt from the editor's preface:

Slydini is a superb performer not only because he has an inspired imagination and the infinite patience to practice until he can perform automatically - one could say by reflex - but because he is a first class psychologist, a student of human nature. The knowledge he has acquired of how and why people think, feel and react, he has applied to his...

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Hereward Carrington
Side-Show Tricks Explained by Hereward Carrington

Sword swallowing, fire eating, feats of strength, juggling secrets,...

In this Little Blue Book I have described and explained most of the tricks which are to be seen in the typical Side-Show, whether in the circus or elsewhere. The historical side of this subject has already been dealt with quite fully by Houdini, in his book Miracle Mongers and Their Methods, but very few actual explanations are therein given, despite the title and I feel assured that the present little book covers the subject in a more complete manner than any other single volume which has so far appeared. Animal Tricks, and the tricks of professional gamblers,...

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Ray Grismer
Impromptu Mentalism by Ray Grismer

Impromptu mentalism is usually improvised but certain effects may be prepared in advance if they are presented as impromptu ideas. Somewhat like the comic who memorizes thousands of one-liners and seems to create them off the top of his head.

  • Bold Shots
  • Cold Reading
  • Contact Mind Reading
  • Pendulums
  • Basic Equipment
  • Center Tear
  • Billet Switch
  • Stooges
  • Forces
  • Equivoce
  • Hobson's Choice
  • Memory
  • Magic Squares
  • Higher Math
  • 1089
  • A B C D
  • 3 - 34 Follow-Up
  • Words
  • Wallet Acts
  • Magic
  • The Occult
  • COP Out
  • Finally

In mid-January of 1987, Ray visited with the esteemed "13" group of mentalists...

★★★★ $10
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Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph
Easiest Coin in Bottle by Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph

Show an empty bottle (with or without contents) and borrow a coin. Wrap this coin in some paper and place it on the lid of the bottle. Take a lighter (can be borrowed) and light the paper. The coin visibly penetrates the lid of the bottle and lands inside the bottle. The bottle can be examined immediately and given away as a souvenir.

1st edition 2024, video 8:19

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MP4 (video)

Biagio Fasano
Vanishing at the Royal Court by Biagio Fasano

An incredible impromptu effect that uses all court cards in the deck to tell a story dense with mysteries.

This is a packet trick that tells the magical solution to a mystery. An impromptu card effect that, borrowing all the pictures from the deck, uses those to tell the story of a mysterious disappearance at a prestigious dance party reserved for these four aristocratic families.

The illusionist, after shuffling the twelve cards, gives them to cut and complete to a spectator who then, by rolling two dice (even if only imaginary ones) decides the precise moment when the mysterious vanishing...

$10.90 $5.90
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Biagio Fasano
Sparizione alla Corte Reale by Biagio Fasano

Un incredibile Effetto IMPROMPTU che utilizza tutte le figure del mazzo per raccontare una storia densa di Misteri!

Si tratta di un Packet Trick che racconta la magica soluzione di un mistero!... Un effetto IMPROMPTU di Cartomagia che, prendendo a prestito le figure del mazzo, utilizza le medesime per raccontare la storia di una misteriosa sparizione ad una prestigiosa Festa da Ballo riservata a queste quattro famiglie Aristocratiche. L’illusionista, dopo aver mescolato le dodici carte, le dà a tagliare ad uno spettatore che poi, lanciando due dadi (anche solo immaginari) decide il momento...

$10.90 $5.90
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Unknown Mentalist
Psychic Sniper by Unknown Mentalist

Using a couple of classic principles and an unusual presentation, a unique moment of mystery can be created for your participant at any time and anywhere. These routines work best one-on-one or to a small group. With nothing but a couple of blank business cards, which just need a simple one-time preparation, you are always ready to mystify anyone.

There are 2 routines explained and with some interesting variations. All the routines are easy and self-working but pack a solid punch in terms of impact. The unique feeling which your participant experiences will remain with them for a very long...

★★★★★ $18
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Edward Barton-Wright
How to Pose as a Strong Man by Edward Barton-Wright

Barton-Wright, one of the first Europeans to study Japanese martial arts, explains eleven pseudo-strength tricks in words and photos. Forty years before this publication Lulu Hurst created a sensation demonstrating similar stunts as manifestations of 'unexplainable forces'.

The tricks explained in this article are:

  1. How to Master a Man with Two Fingers
  2. How to Hold a Chair in the Palms of your Hands, and to Defy Anyone to Pull it through your Hands
  3. How to Lift from the Ground a Chair in which a Person is Seated
  4. How to Lift a Chair with Four Men Packed upon it
  5. How to Defy Anyone Standing in Front...
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Arthur Edward Waite
The Book of Black Magic and of Pacts by Arthur Edward Waite

The primary reason we are offering this work is that Ted Annemann included it in his "Five-Foot Shelf of Magic". I am assuming he included it because he felt a conjurer needed to have some understanding of black magic and be able to converse intelligently about it. It may also be a source for plots and scripts for routines.

    • CHAPTER I The Antiquity of Magical Rituals
      • §1. The Importance of Ceremonial Magic.
      • §2. The Distinction between White and Black Magic.
      • §3. The Unprinted Literature of Ceremonial Magic
    • CHAPTER II The Rituals of...
★★★★★ $12
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Popular Mechanics
Two Pounds Less Than An Elephant by Popular Mechanics

A nicely illustrated article explaining some of the popular pseudo-strength demonstrations made popular for example by Lulu Hurst and others.

200 years ago demonstrations of this kind created a sensation. Nobody could explain them. Many believed these were manifestations of some yet unexplained force. Today they are relegated to party stunts. Nevertheless, some are quite surprising demonstrations you can try out in your living room.

1st edition 1928, PDF 6 pages.

★★★★★ $4
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David Deveen
Expert Cigarette Magic by David Deveen

Sleights and routines with lit and unlit cigarettes. Illustrated by numerous photographic reproductions from the author's own hands, together with some additional line drawings.

  • PART ONE Unlighted Cigarette Section
    • Groundwork of Cigarette Magic
      • “Perfection” Vanish
      • Sliding Cigarette Vanish
      • My “Rising Cigarette” Vanish
      • “Vertical” Cigarette Vanish
      • “Favourite” Vanish
      • “Descention” Vanish
      • “D.D.” “Thumb-Slide” Vanish
      • Supplementary “Thumb-Slide” Vanish
      • My “Slow-Motion” Vanish
      • “Stationary”...
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Alfred W. Ellis
How To Make Money with a Magic Show by Alfred W. Ellis

This informative handbook provides expert, proven advice for booking and presenting a financially successful one-person traveling theater or school assembly magic show.

Not only that, but the author goes on to provide his exact patter for 25 standard effects as used in his program. This is an act that you, too, can present yourself. The emphasis is on performing for youngsters, and the author reveals why this age group is a financial gold mine for the alert performer.

Here's a quick look at what's included:

  • A brief resumé of the author's career and experience in the booking and performance...
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