This is an interesting compilation of material - a mix of short portraits and Goldston's personal recollections of various magicians - some famous, some not, as well as some of their tricks and secrets. The result is a fairly extensive collection of tricks of all kinds and denominations. Includes many illustrations and photos of the contributors.
The first edition was issued in the same style as Goldston's famous Locked Books series, but without the clasp.
Excerpt from the introduction:
Great Magicians' Tricks is divided into two complete parts, "Magicians of the Past" and "Modern Magicians."...
A great manuscript describing manipulative magic with cards, coins, and balls. Included are several moves and effects by legendary trade show magician Tommy Tucker, including the first release of his classic "Six Card Repeat".
Excerpt from the foreword:
In answer to their numerous requests for the latest sleights, tips and "dodges" used by the up-to-date card manipulator, I'm giving them a selection of forty items to choose from. All of them have been used by the writer, so therefore will be found practical. Every reader, be he "an expert" or a young enthusiast, should find something...
Doctor Edward George Ervin was a dentist and amateur magician whose mentor and teacher was famous William Robinson, aka Chung Ling Soo.
Excerpt from the introduction by T. Nelson Downs:
Nearly thirty years ago, when I first met Dr. Ervin I was not only greatly impressed with the man himself, but also the type of magic he stood for. During the passing years this impression has become increasingly strengthened. To me the words "Ervin" and "subtle ingenuity" mean one and the same thing, for I have been privileged to share the greater part of his choicest magical inventions during a long period.
As per the old proverb,...
Darren McQuade and Liam Montier's superb ebook features seven new ideas using a Frixion pen. You can obtain a Frixion pen from most stationary stores worldwide. You will learn some superb and off-beat magic using the Frixion principle in totally commercial and practical routines, as opposed to half-baked pipe dreams that similar publications on the same topic offer.
This ebook takes you through what the Frixion principle is, how to conceal it, how to activate it, and then six killer real-world routines. These include:
Visual Voodoo - Help a spectator out by performing a visual voodoo...
Slydini's major routines take a lot of time to learn. But Slydini wanted his students to be able to go out and perform magic sooner to work on the performance and presentational aspects of their magic. To enable this he would teach his students from time to time smaller tricks which one could learn quicker but which often still incorporated one or the other of his fundamental principles of magic. This is a collection of these smaller tricks Slydini taught Dennis. They are a great gateway into the magic of Slydini because they do not require large commitments of time and effort to be mastered, yet they...
A delightful book of well-written and beautifully illustrated and top-quality magic. Contains seventeen tricks and tips, most suitable for close-up presentation. Illustrated by Bob Gunther, former Disney animator.
Partial contents:
Original ideas across the spectrum for magicians.
A collection of magical ideas, most of which have been tested on genuine living audiences. Pete Biro has been performing and lecturing, as well as dropping juggling props here and abroad since 1966 - plus a bunch of time in the early 50's. "Most original tricks and ideas" he says, "come from having a creative memory!"
Dennis applies the Slydini method of magic to various effects by Don Alan. It is an intriguing combination. If you are a purist you will probably not be much interested in it, but if you are searching for effective and commercial magic tricks then this is a very interesting melding of ideas and techniques.
1st edition 2023, video 36:53.
Here's a great collection of self-workers that can be achieved with some of the stuff most magicians will have at hand. For a couple of effects, you'll have to buy some items, but you won't have to spend more than a few dollars. And it will be well worth it!
Eight effects, all easy to do. Including:
EAT TO THE BEAT - a fun effect using a balloon and a free choice of card ...
I PREDICT A RIOT - The magician makes three predictions and the first two are wrong... but what about the third?
SIGHT FOR SORE EYES - A pirate's eye-patch and you'll be able to make a fabulous prediction. ...
Magicians rarely theme their magic around holidays, but it's something that Darius and I have always done, and this documents a selection of our Christmas-themed magic.
Christmas Cracker Prediction - Predict the joke in your Xmas Cracker, with no forces.
Frosty Card Reveal - A snow spray card prediction reveals one card, and changes to reveal a second one.
Card Through Window - A festive take on a classic.
Around the Snow Globe - A snow globe is opened and the contents changed into real snow.
Bang For Your Buck - Taking a party popper, you fire it, then replace the ribbons inside,...
Excerpt from the Preface:
No skill, no sleights, no manipulation is required to perform the following effects. Many are impromptu, making use of anyone's cards, and needing no preparation or make-ready. Others admittedly depend upon such chicanery as cards with double faces and blank faces, double backs and blank backs, roughing fluid and other aides, all available from magic shops. Many skilled manipulators have not hesitated to use such artifices, so the reader should not scorn them.
Aside from whatever merit these tricks may possess, it is believed their greatest value lies in the...
Only for a limited time ...
Here's a fabulous collection of magic, mentalism, and comedy bits for close-up and cabaret - all at a bargain festive price of $12! Around 100 pages of cool stuff including:
TRAVEL CHAOS: A series of effects revolving around travel and holidays.
MENTAL MOVIES: A self-working mentalism killer effect for cabaret or close-up.
SUPERSTARS-R-US: A great mentalism effect that plays big.
BOOK HIM DANNO! A comedy book test with a twist...
WHERE'S MY DOVE? An ultra-clever mentalism effect...
WHO'S GOT THE SNOW? - A 'just chance' routine with an adult...
After 70 years in the magic business Glenn Gravatt compiled this wealth of effects and tricks, all are provided with presentation. They are generally speaking easy to do and do not require exotic gimmicks or apparatus.
A lecture in the art of close-up magic.
Excerpt from the introduction by Val Andrews:
One of the most interesting "characters" in the London Magic Scene, as well as being one of the most good-natured men I've ever met.... that's Bobby. A great magical enthusiast, a great talker, the centre of every gathering he attends (though not of his own choosing).... that's Bobby.
Always he has retained this keeness for what he calls "Magic in Miniature" and this has been the one anchor of an otherwise erratic young man.
His great enthusiasm, for practically everything, and his willingness to perform his...
It isn't what you do but the way that you do it.
A lecture on magic featuring all the original, unusual methods of handling, which have been applied to standard tricks, and, for the first time, revealing the secrets of sixty years, performing original effects that have proved enduring with audiences.
1st edition...
The 24 routines from the 2022 Kaymar Advent Calendar.
The Contender - A sure bet where you put £1000 on being able to read the spectator's mind - and you are right every time. With a kicker!
Coinkydink - A self-working 'Do As I Do' with two regular, shuffled decks.
Locked Room Mystery - a secret so baffling it needs to be kept under lock and key for the sanity of your spectators. They open it at their peril.
Make Your Own Luck - Fortune Telling meets 'The Signed Card' as a reading ends with the revelation of a signed card from an impossible place.
Off-Colour Hummer - A spectator...
A New Year, and new set of lecture notes from Jeff Stone. Dive into 14 effects and ideas ranging everywhere from gags to stunts to powerful, baffling, and visual magic. Everything in this set of lecture notes has been in Jeff's repertoire for several years, and in most cases, over two full decades.
Included is access to over a dozen video clips to create (as closely as possible) that in-person live lecture experience, plus multiple QR codes / links to other resources along with nearly 50 footnotes to get your history and resource juices flowing. It's time for you to "attend" the 2024 Stone...
Sword swallowing, fire eating, feats of strength, juggling secrets,...
In this Little Blue Book I have described and explained most of the tricks which are to be seen in the typical Side-Show, whether in the circus or elsewhere. The historical side of this subject has already been dealt with quite fully by Houdini, in his book Miracle Mongers and Their Methods, but very few actual explanations are therein given, despite the title and I feel assured that the present little book covers the subject in a more complete manner than any other single volume which has so far appeared. Animal Tricks, and the tricks of professional gamblers,...
This volume can be considered the continuation of The Magic of Slydini. Here, Slydini reveals for the first time two devilish sleights the Imp-Pass and the Revolve-Vanish. These enable some of his most characteristic routines.
Excerpt from the editor's preface:
Slydini is a superb performer not only because he has an inspired imagination and the infinite patience to practice until he can perform automatically - one could say by reflex - but because he is a first class psychologist, a student of human nature. The knowledge he has acquired of how and why people think, feel and react, he has applied to his...
Slydini Encores is a great book with many photos, but despite the genuine efforts by the author and editor to capture Slydini's magic and teach it, it is tough to learn the details and the exact timing from the book. This is particularly true for students who have not experienced Slydini live. Dennis Barlotta, aka D. Angelo Ferri, who studied under Slydini for several years, provides in this video lecture the missing details and demonstrations so that you can actually learn and perform these miracles.
Dennis demonstrates and discusses almost everything from the book, Prediction in Red, Alladin Purse,...
Conjuring tricks with cards balls, and dice; magic writing, performing animals, etc.
This is a surprisingly interesting book edited by W. H. Cremer. It includes an early precursor of the Chop Cup. (See The Magic Dutch Balls.) It has interesting information on gambling, cheating, and scams. The chapter on 'Magic Writing' is a wonderful history of cryptography and steganography. The chapter on animal training is one of the most detailed I have encountered. It also includes a wealth of magic tricks, science experiments, and effects based on apparatus.
This new eBook is a treasure trove of great and practical magic. Old magic books, magazines, and catalogs are full of wonderful tricks that are mostly unknown today. These tricks astonished audiences in the past and they can astonish them today. All the material contained in Forgotten is practical and will work today as well as it did in the past. In this new eBook by Marko (former admin of The Learned Pig Project), you'll find the following.
MAGICAL GERMINATION. Dip your empty hand into a round transparent fishbowl and it magically fills with flowers. Hand is seen empty at all times. You're...
100 tricks for the drawing room.
Containing an extensive and miscellaneous collection of conjuring and legerdemain; sleights with dice, dominoes, cards, ribbons, rings, fruit, coins, balls, handkerchiefs, etc. All of which may be performed in the parlor or drawing room. Without the aid of any apparatus; also embracing a choice variety of curious deceptions which may be performed with the aid of simple apparatus.
A new book full of practical and highly effective magical routines. I have been a professional magician for 55 years and I have performed all of the routines I describe in this eBook so you can be sure they are 100% practical.
Some of the routines include videos of myself performing before real live audiences so you can see the strong effect these have upon the spectators.
Here's a list of what you'll find in this fantastic ebook:
THE TRAVELLING KNOTS: A streamlined version of the "Sympathetic Knots" effect using six colorful silks. This is very fast, showy, and has a very strong...