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Paper & Paper Money in Magic & Mentalism

Paper folding, paper tearing and tricks with paper money are at the heart of this section. I am fascinated by paper. I consider it one of the most important inventions. You might not see it that way, but paper is a hightech product. Paper machines are pretty much the largest and most complicated manufacturing installations in use by humankind. Paper comes in all shapes and sizes and is ideal for customization with a slogan for your next corporate gig or a personal message. Vanishing a dollar bill or changing it into a hundred dollar bill will always garner respect and admiration. It is human nature.

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Newspaper Tear


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★★★★ $25 $17.50
Hal Saxon
The Gimmick-less Vault Vanish Stunner by Hal Saxon

The Gimmick-Less Bank Vault Vanish is an EDC impromptu stunner.

This is a challenge effect you will win every time. This is 100% gimmick-less mind-blown EDC (Every Day Carry) magic. Close-up, angle proof, fast, easy, impromptu, EDC, instant full-view reset. Perfect for beginners and seasoned magicians.

This is a phenomenal example of separating the steal from the reveal. The steal happens well before the vault/fist is opened revealing utter emptiness. This effect absolutely destroys any other "Where is it? Which hand?" effect. The reactions are amazing. I literally have spectators that...

Peter Pellikaan
New Dollar Cards by Peter Pellikaan

Three blank cards change into cards with credit card images on them and then change ultimately into banknotes.

1st edition 2024, video 3:17.

Peter Pellikaan
Money in the Hole by Peter Pellikaan

You show two cards, one of which has a big hole in the center. You put them together and suddenly the non-hole card has transformed into a stack of banknotes.

1st edition 2024, video 1:51.

Ray Grismer
Shorty by Ray Grismer

A short change routine.

"Mr. Grismer is one of the nice guys in magic who is also talented and has the gift of working out startling tricks that require little in the way of 'work' ... 'Shorty' is a short change routine and the best of its kind ... once made up you will use it constantly. Brilliant routine and handling ... the best short-change routine to come along in years." - Karl Fulves

Clear Plot: You have $10, then $9, then $10, then $5.

Entertaining: You show skill but lose money.

Natural: No unusual-looking counts.

The other day I asked a bartender if he could break a ten-dollar...

★★★★★ $8
Ray Grismer
Limey by Ray Grismer

A totally different and highly original concept for the Bill in Lemon. With this clean and baffling method three signed bills vanish and reappear within a gift-wrapped lime, in a flash. The lime is slowly and fairly cut open to reveal the bills resting within.

The unique and practical "no fuss" loading method will completely fool anyone familiar with other methods for the effect.

In addition, the lime may be carried for hours prior to the performance - it cannot leak or damage your clothing or props. And, of course, you can prepare as many as you like well in advance - the preparation...

Renzo Grosso
Mentalism with Banknotes by Renzo Grosso

Until a few years ago it was possible to propose an interesting effect, using a euro banknote (any), which the spectator took out of his wallet. The serial number consisted of a letter, which identified the country, and a series of numbers; the essential feature was that each country had its own control code; by removing a number it was possible, through a procedure that we will see later, to identify it.

Then new banknotes were printed, with a new type of serial number (before it had a letter, which indicated the country; now it has two letters, the first identifies the country, the second...

★★★★ $10
Mark Leveridge
Paper Money by Mark Leveridge

You show a piece of white paper on both sides and fold it into a neat package. Instantly and visibly the paper turns into a banknote which can be unfolded, displayed on both sides, and importantly, can be immediately handed out for examination or be spent. Devised in the early 1980s, this version of instant money printing is totally practical and very magical. The fact that the printed note can be examined is a huge plus and helps to increase the effectiveness of the illusion.

1st edition 2017, PDF 2 pages.

★★★★★ $5
Peter Prevos
Vanishing Easter Bunny by Peter Prevos

An Easter magic trick.

A new design for an old geometric vanish. 11 bunnies change into 10 bunnies and an Easter egg by merely switching the order of two pieces of cardboard.

The PDF includes the design. Print on paper or cardboard and cut out the three pieces to perform this little miracle.

1st edition 2023, PDF 2 pages.

Zaw Shinn
Burma by Zaw Shinn

Visual card to paper money transposition.

The performer shows a card and with one quick movement, the card has changed to a paper money bill. The usual supplies and arts and crafts for gaffing playing cards are required to make the gimmick.

1st edition 2022, video 25:17.

Will Blyth
More Paper Magic by Will Blyth

A collection of entertaining and amusing models, toys, conjuring tricks, etc., in which paper is the only or principal material required.

Excerpt from the Preface:

The art of simple paper folding gives pleasure not only to the young, but even to old stagers, who become interested and sometimes enthusiastic in the making-up of paper items, learnt at school, but long forgotten. Mr. Oswald Williams, the famous illusionist, was kind enough to express to the author his appreciation of Paper Magic, and testified to the pleasure he had received in making up the various paper folds described therein, some...

Gregg Webb
Aether #13: The Little Gift by Gregg Webb

Gregg modifies Jackie Flosso's Bill in Lemon effect to use a matchbox rather than a lemon - much less messy - among other tweaks.

1st edition 2022, PDF 3 pages.

★★★★★ $10
Peter Pellikaan
Royal Dollar Cards by Peter Pellikaan

Show a few paper bills of your local currency and transform them with one flick into playing cards - a royal flush.

1st edition 2021, video 3 min 12 s.

Peter Pellikaan
Dollar Cards by Peter PellikaanFour cards change faces and backs and then change into paper money.

1st edition 2011, video 6:34

★★★★★ $10
Ken de Courcy
Mistress of Pentertain by Ken de Courcy

Fiddling with figures.

More along the lines of Pentertain and Son of Pentertain. The fact that there is so much material here is due to the efforts of Geoffrey Lamb, Ralph Erlewine, Dr. Bernard Juby, R. C. Buff, Peter Rees and, in particular, Leslie May who sent in pages of figure oddities.

  • Acknowledgements
  • Foreword
  • The Power of the Pentagram
  • The Seven Dwarfs
  • The Charlie Chronicles
  • A Sanguinary Rise
  • In the Good Old Days
  • Tricky Crosswords
  • Discount Coffee
  • The Alternative Prediction
  • Practice Makes Perfect
  • Three-Way Prediction
  • F.T. Publicity
  • Medical Magic
  • Forbidden Fruit
  • Grandfather's Gimmick
  • 1089 and...
★★★★ $10
Ken de Courcy
Son of Pentertain by Ken de Courcy

The sequel to Pentertain. As before, these oddities can be shown wherever you have pencil and paper. For larger audiences a chalkboard, whiteboard or flip-chart is better; you can even do them in sand on a sea-shore.

  • Introduction
  • A Timely Legend
  • No Time For Work
  • The Cure For Insomnia
  • Sheik A Leg
  • Sheik Another Leg
  • Cross Check

1st edition 1975, 17 pages; PDF 22 pages.

★★★ $10
Ken de Courcy
Pentertain by Ken de Courcy

Fifteen minutes impromptu entertainment with pen and paper.

From the introduction:

Here is a short, entertaining act that can be worked impromptu anywhere you have a pen, paper and audience. For larger shows it can be done with chalk and blackboard. I have even done it on an Overhead Projector during a break in a Training Course.

  • Introduction
  • Only Heaven (and Einstein) Knows!
  • Everything is Relative
  • A Not-so-Proper Charlie
  • The Chinese Check
  • The Forgotten Phone Number
  • A Question of Degree
  • A Last Word

1st edition...

★★★★★ $12
Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph
Impossible Foldings Reloaded by Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph

In this latest download you learn all the important techniques from all volumes plus variations.


  • Braided Cards
  • Braided Pyramid
  • Inside-out Banknote
  • V-Fold Variation
  • Braided
  • Banknotes to Pyramid
  • and much more

1st edition 2021, video 1 h 11 min.

★★★★ $10
Ken Muller
Fold Cup by Ken Muller

An ingenious alternative to a Chop Cup where the 'cup' is constructed "on the fly" from a magazine sheet while spectators make paper balls, or crumple dollar bills. No gimmicks! The trickery is built into the cup itself and undetectable. There are moves not possible with a standard Chop Cup and ends with a transport to a spectator's hand who keeps the cup and ball. No difficult sleights or handling as the Fold Cup does its thing automatically. But, the special techniques taught moves the astonishment far above a traditional Chop Cup approach.

There are many suggested Effects with special...

Wolfgang Riebe
Money in Champagne Bottle and Orange by Wolfgang Riebe

The magician borrows two regular money bills from two random spectators. These are torn in half and each spectator receives one half of their bill. The remaining two halves are vanished by the magician. One half reappears in an orange and the serial number matches the one bill of the one spectator exactly.

The magician struggles to reappear the second half bill and offers the remaining spectator a bottle of champagne of similar value as a consolation prize. However, the magician requests the spectator to pop open the champagne and pour him/herself a drink. When the bottle is popped, a half...

Eric Hawkesworth
The Art of Paper Tearing by Eric Hawkesworth

Old newspapers are the only raw material needed for paper tearing, and this ebook describes a number of ingenious and highly entertaining routines. The performer prepares the basic shapes beforehand and then tears out the figures before the eyes of the astonished audience, accompanying his actions with appropriate patter. The ebook provides full instructions and detailed diagrams for the whole process and includes enough material for several complete programmes.

  • Foreword
  • Preparing the Papers
    • Folding Long Paper Strips
    • Preparing Paper Rolls
    • Circles and Squares
    • Other Basic Folds
★★★★ $5
Ralph Mayer
Short Changed by Ralph Mayer

A terrific audience participation effect about a famous carnival and con artist swindle. Audiences love tricks with money. They also love to learn about swindles and cons, in order to protect themselves. This effect provides both: entertainment and a lesson.

In this clever routine, you demonstrate how easy it is to swindle the victim out of $10 for a $1 purchase. Not just a trick, but an actual scam that fleeces thousands of people every day. Don't you be one of them!

And, only in this updated edition, we supply camera-ready master images of stage bills that you can use for the effect....

Brick Tilley
How Time Flies by Brick Tilley

A dollar bill to impossible location effect that incorporates the timeless Buddha Money Papers. The noted bill vanishes from the papers only to reappear inside a pocket watch case that has been in full view the entire time.

Included here possibly for the first time is the fool-proof method for preparing two bills so that they bear the same serial numbers. This is not the inferior dodge of erasing the last digits on the bill. These bills utilize the entire serial number.

1st edition 2021, PDF 4 pages, video 1 min 12 s.

★★★★★ $10
Peter Pellikaan
Dollar Care by Peter Pellikaan

Show four bills of paper money from both sides and change them into four aces, which you again show from both sides, in a flash.

1st edition 2021, length 1 min 49s.

Tom Frame
Hypercase by Tom Frame

Make yourself this impossible looking card case. Additionally Tom teaches you wonderful tricks with it.

"Amazing. A twist that no one saw coming!" - Ben Harris
  • Card to Hypercase: A participant selects a card which is then lost in the deck. The performer displays the closed, empty hypercase and stands it upright on its short edge on the table, with its interior facing the crowd. He riffles the deck behind the hypercase, causing it to fall forward onto the table. He declares that the participant's card is no longer in the deck. He spreads the deck face up on the table. The participant doesn't see...
★★★★★ $8
Will Blyth
Paper Magic by Will Blyth

Tricks and amusements with a sheet of paper.

From the foreword:

Paper is one of the easiest materials to obtain, and to those who are interested in finding a useful means of utilizing some of the household accumulations, the present volume will undoubtedly appeal. It will be noticed that the book has been divided into two parts, and the first portion, dealing with Toys, Models, Puzzles, etc. made entirely from paper, will be found to provide a fascinating and at the same time, inexpensive form of amusement for the younger members of the home circle. The second section deals with some effective...

Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph
Initial Fold by Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph

The master of the 'impossible' folded card reveals how you can incorporate initials into your designs, allowing you to personalize these unique one-of-a-kind give-aways.

The special folded cards include the initials of you or your spectator or anybody else for that matter. Create an impossible gift you can hand out as a souvenir. You get the video instruction and the templates (see the digital shelf). Ralf also teaches you how to change the initials seen in the templates. Below you see one design example.

1st edition 2020, video length 31 min.

Mario Tarasini
Reincarnation: card to bill by Mario Tarasini

Visually transform a playing card to paper money. Besides a card and bill, you will need double sided tape and elastic thread to make this gimmick.

1st edition 2020, video length 13 min.

★★★★★ $8
Robert Harbin & Ian Adair
Instant Origami by Robert Harbin & Ian Adair

'Origami' is the Japanese name for paper folding. It is educational, skillful and certainly has beautiful results. As the folder smoothly bends and creases a piece of paper an intricate model materializes ... it's creative. Robert Harbin and Ian Adair have gone further. Instant Origami has the same pleasing result of origami folding but with an interesting magical theme. The beauty about the working is its simplicity.

EFFECT - The performer explains that he would like to show the spectators 'Origami', and explains that it is an art which is most relaxing and many thousands of models can be...

Hans Trixer & Wolfgang Riebe
Card to Paper Wallet by Hans Trixer & Wolfgang Riebe

There are so many versions of the Card in Wallet - yet none as unique as this one. A freely signed and selected card appears in a paper wallet that happens to be a sheet of paper openly folded into the shape of a wallet right in front of the spectator.

Forget leather wallets. Forget trick wallets. No duplicates, just plain powerful magic with a regular deck and a sheet of A4/US-letter paper that is folded into a wallet. The 'simplicity' of the wallet and the fact that the spectator checks everything themselves makes this effect mind-blowing.

Original concept by Hans Trixer and developed...

★★★★★ $18
Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph
Framing Washington by Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph

This is similar to Framing the Queen except you do it with a one dollar bill.

A dollar bill is shown from both sides. Performer tears out two small rectangles from the inside of the bill. One of these rectangular tear-outs has its center removed to create a little frame, which is freely shown. Magician folds this little frame over the center beam of the larger bill frame and eventually the little frame clearly hangs from the center beam of the larger frame. How did it get on there?

Note that it is not easy to prepare the gimmick. It is much easier to do this with a playing card. With a bill it will require...

★★★★ $15
Wilton Moore Tucker
The Change Raisers by Wilton Moore Tucker

Reveals the inside story on how the con artist forces you, or a store, or even a bank teller to hand him too much change.

This bit of larceny gains the criminal five, ten, or more dollars each time -- and that from a $2 purchase. Also shows how to keep from being shortchanged. Almost defies detection, and practically works itself. This is no pie-in-the-sky con. Newspaper and TV stories report that victims of every age and ethnicity are taken in by this technique.

Audiences are hungry for this information, to avoid being "taken." Makes an excellent lecture to provide to banks, stores, senior...

Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph
Tangled Cards by Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph

Ralf teaches how to make seven impossible looking cards. He came up with a better way to teach these folds by using colored templates. You can download all templates from your digital shelf.

  • Braid Card Variation
  • Circled Triangle
  • Double Locked
  • Locking Squares
  • The Square
  • Tower Braid
  • Triangles Thru

1st edition 2020, video 26 min

★★★ $5
Borrowed Bill in Balloon by Supreme-Magic-Company

Five reputation maker routines. This is one of the cleverest effects we have seen and capable of being used in many different ways. As a note in balloon. As a smashing prediction. As a clever and colourful "Just Chance" routine with three balloons, etc.

You'll thrill to the simplicity of the method. And the cunning of it. Listen to the details of the first effect ... and the others are equally convincing, equally baffling.

Note in Balloon. An inflated balloon is shown and placed to one side. A dollar bill of any value you prefer is borrowed from a member of the audience who himself notes...

Ulysses Frederick Grant & T. A. Whitney
The "Gee Whiz" Combination and Encore by Ulysses Frederick Grant & T. A. Whitney

Here's a terrific, family-friendly, comedy bill in lemon effect that your audiences will love. A genuine dollar bill is borrowed from a spectator (no stooge) and signed or marked. Anyone wraps it in a borrowed handkerchief. Two lemons are then shown and one is selected (no force). The spectator himself places the lemon in his coat pocket. The borrowed bill vanishes from the hanky while the spectator is holding it. The man with the lemon cuts it open and finds the bill inside. You do not touch the lemon.

And now for an encore, you decide to mark the handkerchief so the owner will recognize...

Larry Brodahl
Scripted #31: Clippo by Larry Brodahl

A script and methodology for doing the classic Clippo trick that will make you and your audience appreciate the beauty and mystery of a small, easy to carry trick.

Clippo is a trick that is wonderful on paper, and useless in reality. For such a clever trick, there never seems to be an appropriate reaction. And frankly, the trick has no ending and occasionally fails.

In this manuscript, you'll learn:

  • why Clippo fails to get a good reaction
  • how to make Clippo
  • the script
  • even some of the script writing and design process followed
This trick is suitable for parlor or stage.


Paul Bruton
Amusing Yourself with Paper and String by Paul Bruton

This is an ebook that will not only amuse you, but it will show you how you can amuse your friends. In dozens of ways, it describes how paper and string can be put to interesting and sometimes astonishing use. If you start at page 1 and work your way to the end of the ebook, you will be rewarded by many hours of enjoyable recreation: but you will not be entirely satisfied until you have tried some of the tricks and puzzles on your friends.

  • a Penny Puzzle
  • The Paper Ladder
  • The Palm Tree
  • A Point About A Circle
  • The New Square
  • The Five Squares Again
  • Quartering Three-Quarters
  • Splitting Up...
★★★ $3
Tom Bowyer & T. A. Whitney
The Repeat Bill Trick by Tom Bowyer & T. A. Whitney

Even the most jaded audience will sit up and take notice when effects with real money are performed. Here's an entertaining story about a shopaholic who continues to spend (real) money, but somehow manages to leave the store with the same amount of cash she started with.

This is a time-tested routine that's made even better by using genuine currency (which you supply) while you follow these illustrated instructions. But that's not all. You also get additional presentation ideas, plus a template for constructing your own Repeat Bills outfit with whatever denomination of currency you wish. ...

Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph
5 Cards by Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph

Five 'impossible' cards with a detailed video explanation and PDF templates.

  • Double Frame
  • Double Pyramid
  • Dynasty
  • E.X.
  • Quadro
1st edition 2019, length 31 min.
Adolfo Cerceda & William King
Folding Money plus Make Money Selling Money by Adolfo Cerceda & William King

Money always fascinates in magic. Learn quickly how to make dozens of objects from a dollar bill. Also how to sell such material. Profusely illustrated.

  • About The Author
  • How To Make A Square From A Bill
  • The Picture Frame
  • The Bow Tie
  • How To Make The Finger Ring
  • The Box
  • The Flapping Bird
  • Frame With Doors
  • The Peacock
  • The Frog
  • Santa's Boot
  • Making Money Selling Money
  • The Ad Campaign
  • To The Reader
  • A List Of Paper Folding Books
1st edition 1963, 46 pages; PDF 52 pages.
Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph
Inside-Out Banknotes 2 by Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph

More and more complicated, but also better looking, and even more impossible looking banknotes. You will also be able to download a PDF to print out the image of the banknote design Ralf is using (see your digital shelf).

1st edition 2019, length 52 min.

★★★★★ $8
Robert J. Gunther & A. Sydney Fleischman
The Blue Bug by Robert J. Gunther & A. Sydney Fleischman

A manual of sorcery with cigarette papers. No matter whether you're a magician, a mentalist, or land somewhere in between, there's something for you in this brilliant ebook. Intimate, indetectable, close-up magic giving the appearing of great skill but requiring a minimum of sleight of hand. Over a dozen illustrations and a score of effects and methods.

Illustrated by Bob Gunther, former Disney animator, the moves are cleanly and clearly depicted, as if the authors were teaching them to you over drinks at their favorite watering hole.

Partial contents:

  • Foreword
  • Introduction
  • Basic...
Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph
Inside-Out Banknotes 1 by Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph

Ralf teaches a new method to create inside-out banknotes which allow you to do more complex variations.

First Ralf revisits the old inside-out fold which he already taught here Impossible Foldings Volume 1. Then he explains a variation of the old fold. And then he explains the new method, which allows more complex and even more impossible looking banknotes. You will also be able to download a PDF to print out the image of the banknote design Ralf is using (see your digital shelf).

1st edition 2019, length 49min.

★★★★ $12
Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph
Impuzzibles by Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph

You will learn the secrets and get detailed video instructions of how to make four impressive 'impossible' objects.

  • Spider Link
  • Checker Board
  • The Needle
  • Fork on Card
The Needle will impress anybody who ever tried to guide a thread through the eye of a sewing needle. To do this with one thread is often hard enough, but to do it with 20 or more threads certainly looks impossible. The secret is ingenious. You do not need anything special, no special tool or special contraption to accomplish this feat. It is all in the know-how, which you can acquire here.

The Fork on Card will impress...

★★★ $7
Ulysses Frederick Grant
Tricks with Cellophane by Ulysses Frederick Grant

A rare and original manuscript that explains 13 tricks and routines using "cellophane" as the "main ingredient".

In an early issue of the Sphinx Grant wrote about this manuscript:

Here's a sure HIT. It contains up-to-date practical tricks for pocket, parlor and club, all worked with CELLOPHANE, the popular item everybody is talking about. And the best part is you can work the tricks as soon as you get the manuscript, as no special apparatus is required. Get set for some real Tricks, Stunts and Fun...


  1. Ice Cold Water
  2. The Flying Ice
  3. Tieing A Cigarette In A Knot
  4. The Rubber Cigarette ...
★★★★★ $30
Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph
Impossi-Bill Twist by Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph

You show the old gag where with two folding actions a dollar bill is turned on its head. You now have the spectator sign the bill and repeat the folding actions. However, now only the front of the bill is upside down, the back is not upside down. In other words, only one side of the bill turned. How is that possible? You give the dollar bill as souvenir to the spectator who can keep this impossible bill for the rest of his life in his wallet.

Remember that this is not some fake misprinted bill. Ralf will teach you how to prepare a real genuine dollar bill for this effect. This also works...

Arthur Setterington
Bottled Bill by Arthur Setterington

A borrowed and signed bill vanishes from a spectator's hands and it is found in a bottle with a screw cap, that was inside a sealed envelope.

An Arthur Setterington original that's a sensation ... clean, easy, visual magic that has impact.

The magician draws attention to a stapled envelope hanging from two clips in a nicely lacquered wood and metal skeleton frame, in complete isolation. He requests the loan of a bill a $1, $5, $10, $100 - a £1, £5, £50 - it doesn't make any difference. A spectator is asked to note the number on the bill or he can place any identifying mark he wishes...

★★★ $5
Howard A. Adams
The Chinaman's Paper Caper by Howard A. Adams

A prize winning paper folding and cutting routine with only a double sheet of newspaper and a pair of scissors.

The routine utilizes all the paper producing a whole succession of objects while you are telling an amusing story. In the introduction Ken de Courcy writes:

THE CHINAMAN'S PAPER CAPER is a most satisfying trick. To begin with, it is unusual because it utilises all of the paper. Second, it requires just one 'double' sheet of newspaper, and a pair of scissors. Third, in case you think our enthusiasm has run riot, it has already won two awards in America; "The Magic Dungeon Academy Trophy for...

Displaying 1 to 47 (of 143 products)
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