Numbers have tremendous power. They rule life and the universe. There is no living being, molecule, event, evolution that cannot be described with an algorithm, a mathematical formula. Numbers, everywhere. From the speed of light to the circumference of the earth, to the inhabitants of the world, to the ATM pin. And then your lucky number, the number of destiny, bad luck, infinity ...
In my methodical (and obstinate) search for effects to be proposed on the phone, numbers are the absolute protagonist. Except for a few small tricks, they are all a consequence of one or more mathematical...
A modern version of this classic gaffed card. Detailed are the two methods: splitting cards and printing them yourself to achieve this mysterious effect. Included is a self-printed example. This card has a matte finish that is enhanced by the candlelight used to effect the transformation. This is a remarkable illusion that takes no skill and differs greatly from Hofzinser's original construction. As seen in the video, the image seems to melt from one card value to another. Simple in construction.
1st edition 2021, PDF + gimmicked card
The Kryptic Force is an easy yet powerful force but very little known in the field of magic or mentalism. As with any force, here too the applications of the force are limited only by your imagination. A few interesting routines and effects are shared here. But you can surely come up with many of your own routines using this beautiful force.
The actual process to force is very fast and direct. Maybe, depending on your presentation, it may take all of fifteen seconds to perform the force. Or you can stretch it for as long as you want. This is not a psychological force. The Kryptic Force...
The Conjurer's Repository or the Whole Art and Mystery of Magic Displayed by the following celebrated characters; Pinetti, Katterfelto, Barrett, Breslaw, Silbley, Lane &c
This is a compilation of tricks lifted from other conjuring books. William Bradford writes in his review in Genii:
It contains general magic, mostly of the close-up variety, a lot of mathematical mental magic, a lot of chemical effects, one trick called "How to show the Hen and Egg Bag, and out of an empty Bag to bring above an hundred eggs, and afterwards a live Hen", and even some pages on calculating probabilities...
Fiddling with figures.
More along the lines of Pentertain and Son of Pentertain. The fact that there is so much material here is due to the efforts of Geoffrey Lamb, Ralph Erlewine, Dr. Bernard Juby, R. C. Buff, Peter Rees and, in particular, Leslie May who sent in pages of figure oddities.
The sequel to Pentertain. As before, these oddities can be shown wherever you have pencil and paper. For larger audiences a chalkboard, whiteboard or flip-chart is better; you can even do them in sand on a sea-shore.
1st edition 1975, 17 pages; PDF 22 pages.
Fifteen minutes impromptu entertainment with pen and paper.
From the introduction:
Here is a short, entertaining act that can be worked impromptu anywhere you have a pen, paper and audience. For larger shows it can be done with chalk and blackboard. I have even done it on an Overhead Projector during a break in a Training Course.
1st edition...
The trick PictoTranspo by Gene Anderson is a wonderful reframing of a Roy Johnson trick. In the trick, two large pictures - one drawn by the volunteer - swap places, even though the pictures are marked on the back with the volunteer's and magician's names.
A logical and funny script is included that covers why the trick is being done, and even allows you to pick any volunteer.
Note: This trick is not fully explained. You must own the trick to be able to perform it.
1st edition 2021, 17 pages.
Gregg Webb presents ideas using sponge balls and a folding box based on Slydini's "Paper Balls to Hat." The trick uses sponge balls and a folding cardboard box. Here, you will learn:
1st edition 2021, PDF 2 pages with illustrations by Gregg Webb.
Pocket Numerology is a physical product that will be shipped to you and comes with PDF instructions that can be downloaded immediately from your digital shelf.
What you get: Along with the instructions PDF, you also get a set of 4 specially designed and beautifully produced plastic wallet cards which are about the size of a regular credit card. With reasonable care, these cards should last you a lifetime, if not more.
With absolutely zero knowledge of numerology, you can perform an entire act of apparent numerology with Pocket Numerology in your pocket. With Pocket Numerology, you can...
A simple but dramatic magic effect just for Halloween. A paper sack is blown up and popped for aloud Bang! A second sack has a multi-colored scarf dropped in by a spectator, then inflated and popped. Bang! But this time there is a shower of colored specs in the air as a ghostly white silk floats to the ground.
1st edition 2021, PDF 1 page.
Ludwig Hanemann - Punx (27. Oktober 1907 - 4. Februar 1996) gehört zweifelsfrei zu den bedeutendsten deutschsprachigen Zauberkünstlern des 20. Jahrhunderts. Auch wenn er in der Öffentlichkeit vielleicht nicht so bekannt war wie mancher Kollege, hat er mit seiner Art, die Zauberkunst zu zelebrieren, generationsübergreifend Impulse für Kollegen gegeben. Darüber hinaus war er der erste TV-Zauberer, der an die 50 Mal regelmäßig im Fernsehen auftrat.
Was bisher fehlte: Eine Biographie, die das weit verstreute Erbe des Menschen Ludwig Hanemann wie auch des Zauberkünstlers Punx zusammenträgt...
This series of 14 articles was written by Edward Gallaway, aka S. W. Erdnase. It is a compact but thorough introduction to estimating for printers. For many years, Gallaway taught estimating to printers at the then largest privately held printing company, R. R. Donnelley. He was an instructor in their apprentice school and was at the same time the chief estimator of the company. He would later found his own School for Print Estimating in Chicago, the only such school solely dedicated to teaching this subject. He wrote the textbook for his school Estimating for Printers as well as other works...
"Thought Swiper is fantastic! I wish I'd thought of this! There is no faster way to get to the thought-of card. Absolutely wonderful!" - Bob Farmer
"I think it's so damn clever and honestly I've been having so much fun with it. It's an amazing little device and once magicians find out about it will carry it with them at all times." - Paul Romhany
"Patrik abhors memory work and mental arithmetic on stage. In "Thought Swiper" a fiendishly clever print gimmick strips a powerful principle older than Professor Hoffmann's Modern Magic (1876) of all its fussy calculations and memorization. The prop visually integrates all the...
What is "Bending Minds"?
In this ebook, which will be structured in three volumes, you will see us use cards and simple pieces of paper, to develop mentalism effects that can be conducted live in person, or proposed at a distance, with a video connection or just audio (Zoom, Skype, Meet, etc., or even just on the phone), without the performer being able to see the cards, which are always handled by the viewer.
All descriptions come with a presentation, which is also original, very detailed, and inspired by movies, games, books, or just a simple emotion. A precious dress to be worn whenever...
In this ebook, Nelson sets out the details for designing and framing of the ghost show, securing bookings for the act, the setup and tear-down, and finally, tips and suggestions for the operation of your very own spook show. Previously available only as part of the "Ghost Show Package" direct from Nelson. Now, many years later, this must-have reference is once again available in this revised and update edition, including additional Nelson content not found in the original manuscript: ...
Just one card, merely thought of, mysteriously jumps from one packet to another.
Sound familiar? Of course, and there is no finer example of this treasured classic than Edward G. Brown's Wandering Card, published by Willane, back in 1952.
Usually presented as a stand-alone effect for the platform or stage, Brown's effect has lost none of its popularity over the ensuring years - spawning many variations that tackle the innate difficulty of the crucial packet switch. Unfortunately, many of these have proven to be, for one reason or another, impractical.
Australian card man Ian Baxter...
A three-way transposition in the hands of three spectators - and the performer far away.
This could follow a CSB Routine (or come first), or pick up three different poker chips from the game table, or three colored Chinese coins, or follow my China Spice routine.
Three distinctive objects have magical powers or attributes attached and become talisman to be freely chosen by two volunteers with a third getting the power that is left. Each holds and protects their selection while verbally announcing their new power and talisman with the performer across the room. But each secretly desires a different...
Person of Interest is an upgrade to the original effect "Mental Assassin." This is a pocket mentalism effect that fits inside your wallet that can be performed anytime, anywhere. The participant thinks of a word and a person associated with the chosen word and the mentalist is able to identify both every time.
The method used in this effect is based on one of my newly developed principle for identifying chosen words or objects without the obvious interrogation.
"Clever - I like how you are...
Being a clear and full explanation of all the surprizing performances exhibited as well in this kingdom as on the continent by the most eminent and dexterous professors of slight of hand: together with the tricks of the divining rod, automaton chess-player, speaking figure, artificial serpents, mechanical birds, automaton flute player, vaulting figure, magical table, perpetual motion, etc.
This is a translation of La Magie Blanche Dévoilée by Henri Decremps which was meant to expose the tricks of Pinetti. The 3rd edition of this translation, on which this digital edition is based, has additions by Thomas Denton and others. ...
The evergreen market of children's parties will make you feel like a 'magician farmer.' You can harvest 12months of the year. In this ebook of practical money-making tips, I will share my closest guarded secrets I have never told anyone before. I have been making use of these secrets for almost 2 decades and they have truly been my 'Money Magnet' throughout the years. I will cover topics such as
Gregg Webb presents ideas using an egg bag to conjure up socks and other items that vanish in clothing dryers. The trick uses an egg bag and suitable small pieces of clothing.
Required props:
1st edition 2021, PDF 2 pages.