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Magic & Mentalism: page 37


Mentalism & Spiritism Cards Magazines & Journals with Demo Video DIY, Makers & Builders DVD (download+stream) Books (printed) Video clips (download) Theory, Articles & Reviews for Beginners Coins, Chips & Buttons Illusions, Escape & Stage Biographies & History in German (Deutsch) Marketing, Selling & Business Matters Audio Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups Memory & Mnemonics Science & Math Tricks Paper & Paper Money Ropes, Ribbons, Strings & Reels Comedy Magic Physical (Non-Digital) Tricks & Gimmicks Patter, Plots & Scripts Compilations in Italian (italiano) Kids & Children Hypnosis & NLP Rings Cigarettes, Candles, Matches & Fire Liquids, Chemicals & Bottles Phone, Apps & eTricks Published 1800-1899 Silks & Flags DVD & Video (disc) Hands, Fingers & Body Thimbles Catalogs Published before 1800 Chapeaugraphy Instruction Sheets Ventriloquism in French (français) Second Hand in Spanish (español) Animals Gospel Magic Gift Cards & Donations Pickpocket Fiction for Resellers Free in Japanese (日本の)


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★★★★★ $5
Albert M. Wilson
The Sphinx Volume 17 (Mar 1918 - Feb 1919) by Albert M. Wilson


NO. 1: MARCH 19181
William J. Hilliar Bio3
Schulte's Column3
E.M. Vernelo Tribute3
- Vernelo Picture3
The World Of Magic4
- S.A.M. Richard Van Dien4
- Puzzling Pierson' Paragraph5
- Magic News From Wheeling, W. Va. Paul R. Semple5
- Golden Gate Assembly S.A.M. H. Syril Dusenbery5
- Society Of Detroit Magicians W.H. Domzalski6
- The Society Of Modern Mystics6
- Spot Lights From Hartford, Conn Clarence T. Hubbard7
- The Mystic Circle Of Boston S. Willson Bailey8
- Chicago Conjurors' Club Homer H. Woulffe8
- Pittsburgh Association Of Magicians8
- Our Books Of Magic...
★★★★★ $5
Albert M. Wilson
The Sphinx Volume 16 (Mar 1917 - Feb 1918) by Albert M. Wilson


NO. 1: MARCH 19171
W.B. Marks Bio3
Magical Jingles By Schulte3
The World Of Magic4
- S.A.M. Francis J. Werner4
- The Spokane Mystic Club C.W. Talbott4
- Society Of Detroit Magicians W.H. Domzalski4
- Ray Newton Route4
- The Yogi Club Of Philadelphia H.F. Kenna5
- R.I. Society Of Magic5
- National Conjurors Association C.J. Hagen5
- Spot Lights From Hartford, Conn. Clarence T. Hubbard5
- Doings Of The Demons Of Baltimore Robert W. Test6
- W.J. Hilliar In The Vaudeville Breeze Says6
- Do You Remember6
- Golden Gate Assembly Of S.A.M. H.Syril Dusenbery...
★★★★★ $5
Albert M. Wilson
The Sphinx Volume 15 (Mar 1916 - Feb 1917) by Albert M. Wilson


NO. 1: MARCH 19161
Charles Neil Smith Bio3
The Value Of Patter By G.F. Schulte3
When The Magician Quit3
The World Of Magic4
- S.A.M. Francis J. Werner4
- Spot Lights From Hartford, Conn. Clarence T. Hubbard4
- Buffalo Notes Ladson Butler5
- Demons Of Baltimore Robert W. Test5
- Leipzig In Providence, R.I. C. Fischer6
- Society Of Detroit Magicians G. Warren Keane6
- Order Of The Magi Fred Measures6
- The Magicians' Club Of New York Louis Jaeger6
Antiquity Of The Word "Magician" By G.G. Laurens6
An Improved Handkerchief And Candle Trick Len Sewell7
★★★★★ $5
Albert M. Wilson
The Sphinx Volume 14 (Mar 1915 - Feb 1916) by Albert M. Wilson


NO. 1: MARCH 19151
Chats With Magicians By H. Syril Dusenbery3
- Clarence T. Hubbard3
Also Ran (Poem)3
The World Of Magic4
- S.A.M. Francis J. Werner4
- New York News Items By Queercus4
- The Magicians' Club Of New York Maurice Roth4
- Providence, R.I., News C. Fischer4
- The Chicago Magicians' Club Jerry Taylor5
- New And Notes From Chicago Perry Taylor5
- Society Of Detroit Magicians W.H. Domzalski5
- Pacific Coast Society Of Magicians H. Syril Dusenbery5
- St. Louis, Mo., Notes C. Frederic Hiestand6
- What's On In London Yelma6
- London Letter H. Rice6
- National...
★★★★★ $5
Albert M. Wilson
The Sphinx Volume 13 (Mar 1914 - Feb 1915) by Albert M. Wilson


NO. 1: MARCH 19141
The Editor Picture3
The World Of Magic4
- S.A.M. Report R. Van Diem4
- New York Magical Notes Joe Klein4
- Society Of Twin City Magicians L.H. Van Camp4
- Buffalo Notes Ladson Butler4
- The Demons' Club Of Baltimore Magicians Charles F. Oursler5
- Society Of Detroit Magicians W.H. Domalski5
- Spot-Lights From Hartford Clarence T. Hubbard5
- Society Of Twin City Magicians L.H. Van Camp6
- Pacific Coast Society Of Magicians H. Syril Dusenbery6
- London Letter Yelma6
- Glasgow, Scotland News W.E. Bell7
- News From Melbourne, Australia J.P. Goulston...
★★★★★ $5
Albert M. Wilson
The Sphinx Volume 12 (Mar 1913 - Feb 1914) by Albert M. Wilson


NO. 1: MARCH 19131
Robert Heller (William Henry Palmer) Bio3
To Tear A Complete Deck Of Cards In Two By Russell3
What Happened To Jones Contest3
The World Of Magic4
- Ed. Reno's Route4
- Dana Walden's Route4
- Australian News C. Williams4
- London Letter Yelmah5
- S.A.M. Report Francis J. Werner6
- Yogi Notes Gustav L. Bohn6
- Society Of Detroit Magicians Notes W.H. Domzalski6
- Cincinnati Notes Charles N. Smith6
- San Francisco News H. Syril Dusenbery7
- Pacific Coast Society Of Magicians7
- Providence, R.I., Notes John H. Percival7
- Rhode Island Society Of...
★★★★★ $5
Albert M. Wilson
The Sphinx Volume 11 (Mar 1912 - Feb 1913) by Albert M. Wilson


NO. 1: MARCH 19121
Les Frimines - Mr. & Mrs Harry J. Freeman Bio3
A Little Combination By Surgeon Rell M. Woodward3
Mind Reading Idea By Russell3
The World Of Magic4
- Chicago Magicians' Club B.L. Gilbert5
- Boston Notes S. Wilson Bailey5
- London Letter Albert Lewis5
- Odds And Ends Clarence T. Hubbard6
- Kobb's Comments6
- Washington, D.C. News Chas. S. Eby6
- Baltimore News John Dewitz6
- Cleveland Notes Grdina7
- Magic In Nashville T.J. Crawford7
- Columbus, O. News E. Carson Blair (Kona Byata)7
- Society Of Professional Magicians J.E. Pierce7
- San Francisco...
★★★★★ $5
Albert M. Wilson
The Sphinx Volume 10 (Mar 1911 - Feb 1912) by Albert M. Wilson


NO. 1: MARCH 19111
S.A.M. Masthead2
Iona Bio3
Dr. Hoston Explains3
A Suggestion For The Rising Cards By V.K. Allison3
A Good Opener by T.C. Bonney3
Is It "I"? (Poem) By Charles Neil Smith3
Two Magicians Starting At About The Same Time But In Different Fields Of Work Are Now At The Top4
Laurant Picture4
Flour And Water Trick By S.B. Blodgett5
The World Of Magic6
- Mystico's News7
- Society Of Detroit Magicians7
- S.A.M. Report Francis J. Werner8
- English Letter Fred Sinclair8
- London Letter Harold Webbe9
- Chicago Letter I.F. Halton9
Editor's Page10
- Editor's...
★★★★★ $5
Albert M. Wilson
The Sphinx Volume 9 (Mar 1910 - Feb 1911) by Albert M. Wilson


NO. 1: MARCH 19101
Hamley's Palace Of Magic And Mystery3
The World Of Magic4
Echoes From Beanville Hal Olver5
New York Notes Edward Beadle6
News From Austria Ottokar Fischer6
An Up-to-date Table By L.T. Scott6
Knife And Cards By Alon Lord6
The Devil's Flight By Jos. Dunninger7
A Boost By Walden & Heverly7
Siggestion For "Sucker Box" Workers By Camella7
Finishing Touch For Cups And Balls By G.V. Long7
Dyeing Of Handkerchief (New) By Dr. Robert T. Boyd, Jr.8
Egg And Handkerchief By Chas. Sekavec8
A Long-felt Want8
Magic In St. Pauls And Minneapolis9
- Thurston Picture...
★★★★★ $5
Albert M. Wilson
The Sphinx Volume 8 (Mar 1909 - Feb 1910) by Albert M. Wilson


NO. 1: MARCH 19091
S. Wilson Bailey Bio3
- Handcuff Collection Picture3
Magician's Doings4
Dr. Elliott's Horizontal Lift Card Rise5
A Testimonial To M. Felecian Trewey By Henry Ridgely Evans6
- Trewey Picture6
- Trewey's Den Picture6
Extracts From My Program By David P. Abbott7
- "Extracts" Continued8
A Sure Winner9
The Society Of Detroit Magicians9
Editorial Announcement10
- The April Number10
The Society Of American Magicians11
The Reason Why By William R. Caulk12
Current Magical Literature13
The Society Of American Magicians (Cont. from page 11)14
A Testimonial...
★★★★★ $5
Albert M. Wilson
The Sphinx Volume 7 (Mar 1908 - Feb 1909) by Albert M. Wilson


NO. 1: MARCH 19081
Kansas City, Mo., March 15, 19082
Heard At The Seance Joke2
Biographical Maro3
The Magic Spell By Chas. Shepherd3
Card And Handkerchief Combination By Will Edwards3
Magician's Doings4
Cross Escape Or Cross Substitution4
The Disappearing Egg By Louis C. Haley5
Coin Effect By Dr. Blanchard5
Lecture On Thoughts (Explanations) By Maxime Cadet6
Handkerchief Color Change By Jacob Chasnoff6
The "Acme" Card Trick By Chas. G. Shepherd6
How Sad (Poem) By Will Edwards6
The Card And Jug Trick By Charles Medrington7
A Novel Card Trick by Henry D. Grout7
★★★★★ $5
Albert M. Wilson
The Sphinx Volume 6 (Mar 1907 - Feb 1908) by Albert M. Wilson


NO. 1: MARCH 19071
Kansas City, Mo., March 15, 19072
Handkerchief And Billiard Ball Illusion By Lewis R. Hilliar2
Biographical Chevalier Ernest Thorne3
Vanishing Glass By C. Merrelo Mahood3
Cane Levitation By James A. Hart3
Magician's Doings4
The Passing Show4
S.A.M. Notes Oscar S. Teale5
A Floating Ball Illusion By Robert Madison5
Extracts From My Own Program By David P. Abbott6
- "Extracts" (Continued)7
- "Extracts" (Continued8
- "Extracts" (Continued

NO. 2: APRIL 190713
Kansas City, Mo., April 15, 190714
In Memoriam Of Harry N. Stork By John N. Hilliard...
★★★★★ $5
Albert M. Wilson
The Sphinx Volume 5 (Mar 1906 - Feb 1907) by Albert M. Wilson


NO. 1: MARCH 19061
Kansas City, Mo., March 15, 19062
Howard Thurston At Grave Of Dante (Oscar Eliason) Picture2
Biograpical Clifford P. Norton3
The Pro And Con Of Spiritualism - By F.W.King Chapter X3
Spring (Poem) Puck3
Magician's Doings4
- In Vaudeville4
- Magic Shows4
- Entertainers5
- New Zealand Notes5
- English Notes By Henry Whiteley6
Hartley's Impromptu Magic Table By Robert Hartley6
The Floating Ball - A New Version By D.A. Breen6
Gentle, But Effective7
S.A.M. Notes Oscar S. Teale7
The Phamtom Ball8
Inexhaustible Coin Feke Dropper By...
Albert M. Wilson
The Sphinx Volume 4 (Mar 1905 - Feb 1906) by Albert M. Wilson


NO. 1: MARCH 19051
Kansas City, Mo., Mar.15, 19052
- "Foo Vs. Soo" John N. Hilliard2
- Mokana (James Mayer Goldston)2
- G.A. Cooke2
- Martin Chapender2
Biographical Harry Whiteley3
The Dyeing Handkerchiefs John N. Hilliard3
New Spirit Writing Trick By Chas. O. Williams3
Magician's Doings4
- In The Lyceum Field4
- In Vaudeville4
- Magic Shows5
- Entertainers5
A Village Fiasco5
Amateur's Column T.J. Crawford5
- A Good Table For Amateurs Russell-"The Mystifier."5
English Notes Henry Whiteley6
Card Vanish By Barton, The Merry Wizard6
Handkerchief Production...
★★★★★ $5
Albert M. Wilson
The Sphinx Volume 3 (Mar 1904 - Feb 1905) by Albert M. Wilson


NO. 1: MARCH 19041
Chicago, Mar. 15, 19042
The Magician of the Month M. Inez3
The Pro and Con of Spiritualism By F.W. King Chapter IV3
Magicians Doings4
- Chicago4
- New York4
- Philadelphia5
- Detroit5
- St. Louis6
- Kansas City6
- Milwaukee6
- San Francisco6
- Omaha6
- Sioux City7
- Seattle7
- Los Angeles, Cal.7
- Cleveland7
- Auburn, N.Y.7
- Here and There7
- English Notes8
- Australia8
- Bengal, India8
Wrecks, Floods and Fires These With Steamboat Disasters Give Leon Herrmann an Exciting Tour9
The Subject of Talk Geo. H. Stippe9
Novel Sleights Old...
★★★★★ $5
Inez Vernelo
The Sphinx Volume 2 (Mar 1903 - Feb 1904) by Inez Vernelo


NO. 1: MARCH 19031
Chicago, Mar. 15, 19032
The Magician of the Month Ching Ling Soo3
Why It Was by Xavier3
An Interesting Letter T. Nelson Downs3
Novel Sleights4
- Modern Thimble Manipulation By Lee Stewart4
- An Original Cigarette Trick Merle F. Willis4
- New Vanishing Canary Mora4
- Rice and Handkerchief Trick Prof. McIntosh4
- An Old Kite With A New Tail Louis N. Miller4
- Novel Egg Sleight Lawrence Stone4
Stories Retold A Magician Among Aborigines5
Ninty On The Dollar5
Magic and Magicians Ellison Library5
Our Letter Box6
Magicians Doings7
- Chicago7
- New...
★★★★ $20
Michael Close
Michael Close Signature Effects: Workers & Power of Palming by Michael Close

Two astounding programs jam-packed onto one 150 minute download DVD. This is some of the best of Michael Close. Michael is an extraordinary magician, very thoughtful and meticulous. His Workers Series is legendary. He was editor in chief of MUM the organ of the Society of American Magicians.

Workers: Michael Close is truly a magician's magician. But he does his best work for laymen. His reputation is unsurpassed for entertaining and fooling lay audiences with mind-blowing magic. All of these effects are audience-tested over thousands of performances. It contains the following routines: ...

★★★★★ $44
Ellis Stanyon
Stanyon's Magic Magazine by Ellis Stanyon

Magic was a monthly magazine produced and edited by Ellis Stanyon. It was first published in October 1900 and ran for 177 issues with a break during the 1914 - 18 war and the final issue was published in June 1920.

Ellis Stanyon was a noted magic dealer, author and publisher and in the first issue of Magic he set out his intention which was to 'popularize the Art of Sleight of Hand'. Stanyon's original lessons in magic were published in each issue and formed a significant course of magical instruction. Magic featured close-up effects, routines, stage and parlour magic including some of the...

★★★★★ $99
Harry Stanley & Lewis Ganson
The Gen by Harry Stanley & Lewis Ganson

The Gen magazine was published by Harry Stanley just after WWII. The first issue came out in December 1945. The magazine was published for 26 years with 303 issues covering a total of 8,685 pages. Lewis Ganson, one of the greatest British magical writers ever, was the editor until the magazine changed hands in 1971. It continued under the editorship of Val Andrews for a further two issues as the New Gen.

Virtually every known name in the world of post-war magic made a contribution to the Gen or was featured in its columns. Ken Brooke, for example, contributed 27 items and even the final issue, under the ownership...

★★★★★ $99
George Mackenzie Munro & George Johnson & George Armstrong
The Magic Wand (1910 - 1957) by George Mackenzie Munro & George Johnson & George Armstrong

Martin Breese purchased the copyright to the Magic Wand many years ago. He intended to issue material from the magazine in book form and was little to know, at the time, of the advent of digital publishing and ebooks.

The Magic Wand was first published in September 1910 and continued for 256 issues until December of 1957. It began as a monthly magazine and after a decade it was published quarterly. It was edited by George Munro who was succeeded by George Armstrong. It is rare and very hard to find a complete run. The most valuable issues are those containing the serial publication of The Annals of Conjuring. ...

Lee Smith
Fifth Element by Lee Smith

Two strong card effects with a mentalism theme.

The Third Degree
The first spectator thinks of a card, the second spectator picks a card which is placed on the table under a glass, and then the third spectator selects a card which is removed from the deck and then visually changed into the card on the table, and the card under the glass becomes the first spectator's thought of card.

Fifth Element (thought of card to pocket)
The spectator is shown five cards and asked to think of any one of them. The five cards are placed one at a time into the spectators hand and he is challenged...

★★★★ $41
Nick Bolton & Fred Robinson & Eric Mason
Pabular by Nick Bolton & Fred Robinson & Eric Mason

Here is the complete file of Pabular, one of the most remarkable and influential magazines ever published.

Pabular was first published in 1974 by Nick Bolton and ran for just over eight exciting volumes. It is probably the finest ever British close-up magazine to be published. It was mainly edited by the well-respected Fred Robinson (later by Walt Lees and Stephen Tucker) and the art editor throughout was Eric Mason.

The first effect in the magazine was by Roy Walton and contributors include: Jack Avis, Gaeton Bloom, John Carney, Tony Corinda, Ted Danson, Will Dexter, Bob Driebeek, Shiv Duggal, Peter Duffie, Alex Elmsley, Dominique Duvivier, Cy Endfield, Bob Farmer, Flip, Piet Forton,...

George Armstrong
Wizard Magazine Volume 5-8 (Jul 1951 - Jul 1956) by George Armstrong

These are the second four volumes of the Wizard Magazine as a PDF which you can download. It includes a hyperlinked index.

1st edition July 1951 - July 1956; 1733 pages.

Volume 5
  • No. 49
    • George Armstrong / Charles Cole
    • Geomental Rayond / Two Person Mentalism
    • Dennis Barnes / Opening to a 4 Ace Routine
    • O.H. Patterson / My Rings on Rope
    • Len Belcher / My Card Stab
    • Tom Sellers / Simplex Card Prediction
    • John K. Bays / Famous Magicians
    • A.C. Newitt / Why Use the Pass
    • Harry Thomas, Max Linden / The Tomlin Coin Box
    • Jack Lamonte / Opening for the Egg Bag Routine
    • Philcardo / Bouquet for...
★★★★★ $25
George Armstrong
Wizard Magazine Volume 1-4 (Apr 1947 - Jun 1951) by George Armstrong

These are the first four volumes of the Wizard Magazine as a PDF which you can download. It includes a hyperlinked index.

1st edition April 1947 - June 1951; 1595 pages.

Volume 1
  • No. 1
    • George Armstrong / Jasper Maskelyne
    • George Armstrong / Impromptu Book Test
    • John K. Bays / Fantasy Fare
    • W.J. Stapleton / Milestones of Magic
  • No. 2
    • George Armstrong / Robert Harbin
    • George Armstrong / Number Prediction
    • John K. Bays / No No Children's Effect
    • W.J. Stapleton / Milestones of Magic 1
  • No. 3
    • George Armstrong / Wilfred Tyler
    • Wilfred Tyler / Breakaway Match-box
    • John K. Bays / Flash...
Displaying 9510 to 9533 (of 10397 products)
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